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Intensive Intervention Online Module for Explicit Instruction

Title Image for Intensive Intervention Course for Features of Explicit Instruction

The National Institute for Intensive Intervention (NCII) mission is to build capacity of state and local education agencies, universities, practitioners, and other stakeholders to support implementation of intensive intervention in reading, mathematics, and behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and/or behavioral needs (NCII, 2019).

As part of their commitment to educators, the have created a module about the features of explicit instruction.  Here is a description of the module:

“This module begins a series of modules on the topic of explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is about modeling and practicing to help students reach academic goals. We focus on explicit instruction in which the teacher selects an important objective, specifies the learning outcome, designs structured instructional experiences, explains directly, models the skill being taught, and provides scaffolded practice to achieve mastery (NCII, 2019).”


Image of the modules for Explicit Instruction. Additional information on the modules is listed below the image.

(Source:  National Institute for Intensive Intervention)


Each of the modules address a critical feature of explicit instruction.  The provide videos, sel-pacing guides, activities and PowerPoint materials.


Here is a short description of each module:


Module 5:  Modeling and Practicing to Help Students Reach Academic Goals 

Module 5: Click to access the module


This module begins a series of modules on the topic of explicit instruction. Explicit instruction is about modeling and practicing to help students reach academic goals. We focus on explicit instruction in which the teacher selects an important objective, specifies the learning outcome, designs structured instructional experiences, explains directly, models the skill being taught, and provides scaffolded practice to achieve mastery. In this module, educators will learn about:

  • How to select a clear objective
  • How to model for practice
  • How to practice with students.

This module is divided into three parts, with an introduction and closing. A 508 compliant version of the full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below.



Module 6: Using Effective Methods to Elicit Frequent Responses

Module 6: Click to access the module


This module is the second in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module introduces the concept of supporting practices necessary for successful implementation of explicit instruction. The module introduces how to use effective methods to elicit frequent responses. Throughout the module, educators will learn how eliciting frequent responses support instruction within the DBI framework.

In this module, educators will learn about:

  • How the supporting practices maximize engagement
  • Various methods to elicit responses
  • How to use these methods to elicit frequent responses that:
    • maintain or check accuracy of processing
    • match student abilities
    • use a variety of response formats (when appropriate)
    • maximize student involvement

This module is divided into five parts, with an introduction and closing. The full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below with animations included as well as in a Section 508 compliant version.


Module 7:  Providing Immediate Specific Feedback and Maintaining a Brisk Pace

Module 7: Click to visit the module


This module is the third in a set of four course modules focused on explicit instruction. This module focuses on providing immediate specific feedback and maintaining a brisk pace. The module begins with a review of the explicit instruction model and describes how the supporting practices can be used to maximize student engagement. In this module, educators will learn about:

  • How the supporting practices maximize engagement
  • How to provide immediate specific feedback
  • How to maintain a brisk pace
  • How to adapt a program lesson to make it more explicit by incorporating the supporting practices

This module is divided into three parts, with an introduction and closing. The full PowerPoint presentation and workbook across all parts of the module is available below.


Module 8:  Evaluating Use of Explicit Instruction to Support Students’ Academic Needs

Module 8: Click to visit the module


This module reviews explicit instruction and the supporting practices. The module includes opportunities to view and evaluate lesson examples, apply what was learned, and self-reflect.

This module is divided into three parts, with an introduction and closing. The full PowerPoint presentation across all parts of the module is available below in a Section 508 compliant version.


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Intensive Intervention Course Content: Features of Explicit Instruction. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2019, from