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Explicit Instruction Case Study Part Four

Case Study Part 4 Title Image

In the third part of the case study, we saw how Mrs. Adams used the elements of explicit instruction.  Let’s review what she did:

Element #10 – Mrs. Adams is provided her students with multiple opportunities for guided practice with words that do and do not contain “sh.”

Element #12 – She is monitoring the students performance closely to see if students are ready for independent practice with the skill.


Let’s see how Mrs. Adams wraps up her lesson using the elements of explicit instruction.  


“You guys have done a fantastic job of recognizing if a word has “sh” in it.  We are now going to practice this skill some more, but this time you are going to complete an activity yourself.”

“Let’s look at our activity.” (Presents students with a worksheet that has a box labeled “has sh” and “does not have sh.”)


Practice worksheet for "has sh" and "doesn't have sh"


“Just like we did during our group practice, you are going to decide if the words in the box have or do not have “sh.”  For words that do have “sh”, the box says “has sh.”  It also has the thumbs up sign just like we used in our group practice activity.  For words that do not have “sh,”  the box says “doesn’t have sh.”  It also has a thumbs down sign just like we used in our group practice activity.”

“You are going to take your scissors and cut out each of the words.  After you do that, you are going to decide if the word has “sh” or doesn’t have “sh.”  You will take your glue and glue the work in the correct box.  Remember that you have your “digraph sh” card to help you while you work.  Let’s get started!”

While the students are working, Mrs. Adams monitors the students.   She talks with Joey about the word “shuck” and how it does have “sh” in it.  She refers him to his “digraph sh” card to help guide him while he works.  Jordyn does not have a problem completing the activity.  Oscar misplaces the word “shot” and
hot” on his worksheet.  Mrs. Adams works with Oscar to correctly put these words in the boxes.

After students are finished, Mrs. Adams concludes her lesson.

“You guys did a great job today with our lesson.  You demonstrated that you know the sound that “sh” makes, that you can hear it in different words, and that you can decide if “sh” is in a word.  Tomorrow we will work on finding “sh” at the end of words and spelling words with “sh” in the beginning and the end of words.  Great job today everyone!”


Break It Down Title Image

Let’s break down Mrs. Adam’s lesson conclusion and identify which of the elements of explicit instruction that she used.

Mrs. Adams provided additional opportunities for her students to respond and practice with her worksheet.  (Element #11)

She also monitored her students and provided immediate and corrective feedback while students were completing the activity. (Elements #12 and #13)

She told students about the skills coming up and how they will all tie together.  (Element #15)


Let’s visit Case Study Conclusion to wrap up Mrs. Adams use of the elements of explicit instruction in her lesson.  


Click on the image below to see Case Study Conclusion.  

Click on this image to visit this website's page for Case Study Conclusion.


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Archer, A. L., & Hughes, C. A. (2011). Explicit instruction: Effective and efficient teaching. New York: Guilford Press.