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National Institute for Intensive Intervention

National Institute for Intensive Intervention Title Image


What is the National Institute for Intensive Intervention?  “The Mission of the NCII is to build capacity of state and local education agencies, universities, practitioners, and other stakeholders to support implementation of intensive intervention in reading, mathematics, and behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and/or behavioral needs (NCII, 2019).”

Click here to access the homepage for the National Institute for Intensive Intervention. 


The National Institute for Intensive Intervention has created a wide range of resources for implementing intensive intervention through the DBI process.  The resources include online modules, implementation resources, information on validated interventions for academics and behavior and information on validated progress monitoring tools.


To access the NCII Intervention Academic Tool Chart, click here.  

To access the NCII Academic Progress Monitoring Tool Chart, click here. 


The resources this page will be focusing on are for the modules and resources for implementing the DBI process.  We will be looking at the modules for The Taxonomy of Intensive Intervention and implementing DBI.


Taxonomy of Intensive Intervention NCII Module

This is a series of four webinars designed to provide an overview of the Taxonomy of Intensive Intervention along with case study for implementing the DBI process in reading and mathematics.  Each of the modules include a webinar along with additional handouts and resources for implementing intensive interventions.

To access the modules homepage, click here. 


Image of the four modules for the NCII Taxonomy of Intervention - more information on the modules is below

(Source:  National Institute for Intensive Intervention)


NCII Title Image for DBI Introduction Online Module

(Source:  National Institute for Intensive Intervention)


Introduction to Intervention Module

This module takes 45 minutes to complete and provides an introduction to the DBI process.  It is a self-paced module that provides videos and two detailed case studies for two students following all the steps of the DBI process.  The module also provides information about how the DBI process is done in a tiered system of support and for students with special education.

To access the module, click here. 


The following topics are covered in the module:

  • Why DO We Need Intensive Intervention?
  • How Does Intensive Intervention Fit within a Tiered Framework?
  • Defining Intensive Intervention
  • Who Can Intensive Intervention Help?
  • The Data-Based Individualization Process
  • DBI and MTSS
  • DBI and Special Education
  • DBI in Practice
  • Two case studies following the complete DBI process


NCII Professional Modules - Intensive Intervention, Validated Programs, Progress Monitoring, Diagnostic Assessments and Intervention Adaptations

(Source:  National Institute for Intensive Interventions)


DBI Professional Learning Modules 

These modules provide in depth information and resources for each step of the DBI process.  The modules are broken apart to address each of the steps in detail.  Along with webinars and support documents, there are PowerPoint presentations and coaching guides and transcripts of the webinar videos are available as well.


(Please note that the NCII references that these modules are intended to be delivered by a trained knowledgeable professional who is trained in the DBI process.)


To access the landing page for these modules, click here. 


Below are the in depth descriptions for each of the modules in this professional learning series. All of the modules can be accessed by clicking on the link above or by clicking the individual links below the titles.


Module Description from NCII:


Getting Ready to Implement Intensive Intervention:  Infrastructure for Data-Based Individualization

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“The purpose of this module is to introduce schools interested in implementing intensive intervention to the infrastructure needed to implement data-based individualization (DBI). The module includes presentation slides with integrated activities and handouts to help teams determine their readiness and develop an action plan for implementation. Participants should include the school’s principal and the core team likely to lead DBI implementation. Members of this team may include the behavior support team, interventionists, special educators, school psychologists, counselors, and other administrators, as appropriate. If the school is working with a coach or technical assistance provider, that person should attend the meeting, (NCII, 2019).”


Introduction to Data-Based Individualization (DBI):  Consideration for Implementation in Academics and Behavior

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This training module provides a rationale for intensive intervention and an overview of data-based individualization (DBI), NCII’s approach to providing intensive intervention. DBI is a research-based process for individualizing validated interventions through the systematic use of assessment data to determine when and how to intensify intervention.  Two case studies, one academic and one behavioral, are used to illustrate the process and highlight considerations for implementation (NCII, 2019).”


Secondary Interventions:  Setting the Foundation for Intensive Support 

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This training module, Secondary Interventions: Setting the Foundation for Intensive Support, explains the purpose and rationale for secondary or Tier II interventions, (a) as part of a larger multi-tiered system of support, and, (b) in laying the groundwork for effective intensive intervention.  This module is part of a larger set of trainings that cover different elements of the data-based individualization process for delivering intensive intervention, and provides a review of the essential elements that should be in place for secondary interventions to function effectively and promote functional intensive interventions (NCII, 2019.”


Using Academic Progress Monitoring for Individualization Instructional Planning

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This training module demonstrates how academic progress monitoring fits into the Data-Based Individualization (DBI) process by (a) providing approaches and tools for academic progress monitoring and (b) showing how to use progress monitoring data to set ambitious goals, make instructional decisions, and plan programs for individual students with intensive needs (NCII, 2019).”


Monitoring Student Progress for Behavioral Interventions

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This module focuses on behavioral progress monitoring within the context of the DBI process and addresses: (a) methods available for behavioral progress monitoring, including but not limited to Direct Behavior Rating (DBR), and (b) using progress monitoring data to make decisions about behavioral interventions (NCII, 2019).”


Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment:  Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction 

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This training module, Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction, includes four sections that (a) provide an overview of administering common general outcome measures for progress monitoring in reading and mathematics, (b) review graphed progress monitoring data, (c) introduce error or miscue analysis of curriculum-based measures for the purpose of identifying skill deficits in reading and mathematics, and (d) provide guidance on identifying what type of skills the intervention should target to be most effective in reading and mathematics (NCII, 2019).”


Using FBA Diagnostic Assessment in Behavior 

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This module serves as an introduction to important concepts and processes for implementing functional behavior assessment (FBA), including behavior basics such as reinforcement and punishment. Throughout this module, participants will discuss both real world and school based examples to become familiar with the FBA process and develop a deeper understanding and awareness of the functions of the behavior. Key topics include (a) defining FBAs in the context of DBI; (b) basic concepts in behavior, including antecedents, behaviors, and consequences; (c) levels of FBAs; and (d) considerations and procedures for conducting FBAs (NCII, 2019).”


What Do I Do Now?  Individualizing Academic Interventions when Standard Approaches Don’t Work

To access this module and it’s support documents, click here. 


“This module discusses approaches to intensifying academic interventions for students with severe and persistent learning needs. The module describes how intensification fits into DBI process and introduces four categories of intensification practices. It uses examples to illustrate concepts and provides activities to support development of teams’ understanding of these practices, and how they might be used to design effective individualized programs for students with intensive needs (NCII, 2019).”


What Do I Do Know?  Individualizing Behavior Interventions when Standard Approached Don’t Work

To access this module and it’s supporting documents, click here. 


“This module focuses primarily on selecting evidence-based interventions that align with the functions of behavior for students with severe and persistent learning and behavior needs. The emphasis of this training will include four main content areas: (a) relating assessment to function, (b) selecting evidence-based interventions that align with functions of behavior, (c) linking assessment and monitoring, and (d) connecting data with the evidence-based interventions selected. The overarching goal is to connect concepts and theories in behavior and begin planning how intensive intervention can be put into practice to support students with intensive behavioral needs (NCII, 2019).”

Wrap Up Title Image

In summary, the National Institute for Intensive Intervention provides extensive training, support and information on validated programs for intensive intervention and progress monitoring.  Consider using their tools chart to gather information and access information on validated intervention programs and progress monitoring tools.  Please note that some of the modules are designed to be delivered by a trained professional with knowledge of the implementation of the DBI process.

To access the NCII Intervention Academic Tool Chart, click here.  

To access the NCII Academic Progress Monitoring Tool Chart, click here. 


To return to the DBI homepage, click here.



DBI Professional Learning Series. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Getting Ready to Implement Intensive Intervention: Infrastructure for Data-Based Individualization. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Informal Academic Diagnostic Assessment: Using Data to Guide Intensive Instruction (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 5). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Introduction to Data-Based Individualization (DBI): Considerations for Implementation in Academics and Behavior (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 1). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Monitoring Student Progress for Behavioral Interventions (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 3). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Secondary Interventions: Setting the Foundation for Intensive Support (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 4). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Taxonomy of Intervention Intensity. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Using Academic Progress Monitoring for Individualized Instructional Planning (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 2). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

Using FBA for Diagnostic Assessment in Behavior (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 6). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

What Do I Do Now? Individualizing Academic Interventions when Standard Approaches Don’t Work (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 7). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from

What Do I Do Now? Individualizing Behavior Interventions when Standard Approaches Don’t Work (DBI Professional Learning Series Module 8). (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2019, from