Teacher Practice Journals

Below you will find a collection of peer reviewed teacher practice journals. Each of the journal has a descriptions of what the journal covers in it’s issues.
Click on the photo of each journal to link to the publication page for subscription or single article purchase information.

TEACHING Exceptional Children (TEC) features research-to-practice information and materials for classroom use, as well as current issues in special education teaching and learning. Published six times per year, TEC also brings its readers the latest data on instructional technologies, strategies, procedures, and techniques with applications to students with exceptionalities. The focus of its practical content is on immediate application.
(Source: Council for Exceptional Children)
Young Exceptional Children (YEC) is written for teachers, early care and education personnel, educational administrators, therapists, families and others who work with or on behalf of children from birth through 8 years of age who have identified disabilities, developmental delays, are gifted/talented, or are at risk for future developmental problems. It offers useful, friendly articles that help readers implement research-based strategies and interventions across many settings.
(Source: Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children
The mission of the Journal of Teacher Education, the flagship journal of AACTE, is to serve as a research forum for a diverse group of scholars invested in the preparation and continued support of teachers who can have a significant voice in discussions and decision-making. Issues covered include preparing teachers to effectively address the needs of marginalized youth; program design and impact; local and national policy; and accountability.
(Source: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education)
Teacher Education and Special Education (TESE) creates a research forum dedicated to the preparation and professional development of teachers, scholars, leaders, and other support personnel who serve children, youth, and adults with disabilities and their families. Established in 1977, TESE publishes original quantitative and qualitative research, systematic reviews of the literature, theoretically grounded position papers, evaluations of personnel preparation and professional development programs, and policy analyses. TESE is the official journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children.
(Source: Teacher Division of the Council for Exceptional Children)
Remedial and Special Education (RASE) offers interdisciplinary articles that bridge the gap between theory and practice involving the education of individuals for whom typical instruction is not effective. Articles include topical reviews, syntheses of research, field evaluation studies, and recommendations for practice of remedial and special education.
(Source: Hammill Institute on Disabilities)
The Reading Teacher (RT) provides the latest peer-reviewed, research-based best practices to literacy educators working with children up to age 12. RT’s classroom-ready articles cover topics from curriculum, instruction, and assessment to strategies for teaching diverse populations of literacy learners.
(Source: International Literacy Association)

Language Arts provides a forum for discussions on all aspects of language arts, learning and teaching, primarily as they relate to children in pre-kindergarten through the eight grade. Issues discuss both theory and classroom practice, highlight current research, and review children’s and young adolescent literature, as well as classroom and professional materials of interest of language arts educators.
(Source: National Council of Teachers of English)
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education is the official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), JRME is the premier research journal in mathematics education and is devoted to the interests of teachers and researchers at all levels–preschool through college.
(Source: National Council for Teachers of Mathematics)
Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE) is the flagship journal of the Association for Science Teacher Education. It serves as a forum for disseminating high quality research and theoretical position papers concerning preservice and inservice education of science teachers. The journal features pragmatic articles that offer ways to improve classroom teaching and learning, professional development, and teacher recruitment and retention at pre K-16 levels.
(Source: Journal for Science Teacher Education)

About the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://www.nctm.org/Publications/Journal-for-Research-in-Mathematics-Education/About-the-Journal-for-Research-in-Mathematics-Education/.
International Literacy Association Hub. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://ila.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/19362714.
Journal of Science Teacher Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://link.springer.com/journal/10972.
Journal of Teacher Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jte.
Language Arts. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://www2.ncte.org/resources/journals/language-arts/.
Remedial and Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://journals.sagepub.com/home/rse.
TEACHING Exceptional Children. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://www.cec.sped.org/Publications/CEC-Journals/TEACHING-Exceptional-Children.
Teacher Education and Special Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from https://journals.sagepub.com/home/tes.