Daily Archives: February 16, 2016

Blog #3

For this week’s blog, I’ve decided to talk a little bit about the intuition behind the idea of  gravity. I find this theory really interesting because it makes so much sense when you think about it. As history moved along, Einstein and other physicists managed to explain the reasons why gravity acts upon objects. Gravity is due to the […] Continue reading

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Near, Far, Wherever You Are

Understanding the ability of objects in the sky to change their spectra is vital to understanding the universe we live in. In order to fully understand the motion of the objects in the universe, we can use their spectra to see changes in their light emissions. The spectra of objects show the types of visible … Continue reading “Near, Far, Wherever You Are” Continue reading

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Gravity Waves and the Graviton

So physicists have recently announced the discovery of Gravitational Waves, but what does that mean for the Graviton?  Similar to how protons and electrons carry electrical charge, it is theorized that the Graviton carries, you guessed it, gravity.  Because it is a subatomic particle it is more of a focus for particle physicists than for […] Continue reading

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The Consequences of the Interaction of Light and Gravity

It is astonishing the extent that gravity and light interact with one another.  This is of course very fortunate for us humans when trying to understand the basic force that is known as gravity.  After Isaac Newton proposed his Law of Universal Gravitation in 1687 is was generally thought that gravity was understood even though […] Continue reading

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Stonehenge. Photographer: Howard Ignatius.  Stonehenge of southern England is one of the most famous Neolithic structures and burial grounds in the world. Construction on Stonehenge started in 5,000 BCE and continued for 1,500 years.  Its eerily arranged stones, transported from up to two hundred miles away from the site, are an iconic draw for the […] Continue reading

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Space Vacation?

Forget about Florida. Have you ever considered vacationing in space? Thanks to Virgin Galactic, we are getting closer and closer to this possibility. Last year, Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo crashed in the southwest desert, killing a pilot and completely destroying the aircraft. However, Virgin is getting ready to launch a second SpaceShipTwo this month in Mojave, […] Continue reading

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If you spend an entire day at the beach, it is pretty obvious to notice that the tide changes throughout the day. Sometimes it comes up all the way to your feet while you lay in your beach chair, while other times the tide can be so low it seems like the water is a […] Continue reading

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Shout-out to all the Astronomy Ladies

In a lot of professions today it seems like the ladies are under appreciated, so for my fourth blog I thought it would be nice to give some credit to a couple of smart lady astronomers that paved the way for women in the sciences. As I learned in a really cool BBC article that […] Continue reading

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Using the Stars to Navigate

c For my third blog, I came across a mental floss article giving some helpful tips on how to navigate at night by looking at the stars. As we all know people have been using the stars to navigate from place to place for really long time, so it seems like something pretty handy to […] Continue reading

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Voyager 2 & Planetary Assists

When an object is trying to leave a planet, it must reach escape velocity.  The escape velocity is the speed at which the kinetic energy of the moving body is equal to its gravitational potential energy.  The escape velocity from earth is about 25,000 mph.  So when the Voyager 2 left earth, it had to reach […] Continue reading

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