Daily Archives: April 3, 2017

Blog #6: New Life?

In February 2017, NASA released what could potentially be the most important astronomical discovery ever made. Using the  Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope or Trappist for short, NASA discovered a small red dwarf star 39 light years away with three planets positioned similarly to Earth and sun in a fashion that was conducive to … Continue reading Blog #6: New Life? Continue reading

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Blog #5: Pluto’s Demotion

As of August 24th  2006, the international astronomical union voted to demote Pluto to a dwarf planet, ending the nine planet era, redefining the definition of a planet, and rendering many, many astronomy books obsolete. But why was Pluto demoted? What happened to make astronomers cut away a part of so many people’s worldview? Will … Continue reading Blog #5: Pluto’s Demotion Continue reading

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Can you survive in space?

For the astronaut shown above, he/she will be fine for now. As long as their space suit is intact, they should not be in any immediate danger of death. However, if their suit were to malfunction for some reason, what would happen next? This has been “explained” before in movies or television shows; but as we […] Continue reading

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