Monthly Archives: May 2018

Did the U.S. Navy detect Alien Aircraft?

The Fermi Paradox is a fundamental piece of where human civilization currently stands concerning the question of life on other planets: if the probability of life in the universe is so high, why have we not interacted with this life before? One of the answers to this is question is simple: life from other worlds […] Continue reading

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Pale Blue Dot

Over the course of the semester, I learned a lot of things. I started off learning about the size and scale of the universe, and the enormous distances between planets and stars. We can’t even travel a tenth of a light year in our lifetime in the fastest spaceship we own. Our furthest spacecraft, Voyager … Continue reading Pale Blue Dot Continue reading

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Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are known to be one of the strongest creatures on earth. They are an extremophile and can survive in almost any environment or climate. They’ve been found “from mountain tops to the deep sea and mud volcanoes; from tropical rain forests to the Antarctic. These micro-animals grow to a max length of about 0.5mm. … Continue reading Tardigrades Continue reading

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Could Ultraviolet rays emitted by stars make planets uninhabitable?

We know that astronomers look to low-mass star systems for signs of life.  But new research from NASA has indicated that these low-mass stars may emit substantial amounts of ultraviolet radiation during their lifetime, hindering if not eliminating the possibility of life on orbiting planets. Of course, astronomers look at terrestrial worlds that lie in … Continue reading Could Ultraviolet rays emitted by stars make planets uninhabitable? Continue reading

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Could Ultraviolet rays emitted by stars make planets uninhabitable?

We know that astronomers look to low-mass star systems for signs of life.  But new research from NASA has indicated that these low-mass stars may emit substantial amounts of ultraviolet radiation during their lifetime, hindering if not eliminating the possibility of life on orbiting planets. Of course, astronomers look at terrestrial worlds that lie in … Continue reading Could Ultraviolet rays emitted by stars make planets uninhabitable? Continue reading

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