Monthly Archives: January 2019

Powers of Ten

Our universe is so vast it is simply mind blowing. The true nature of the size of our universe can be understood by examining powers of ten. We begin with a picnic scene one meter wide viewed from one meter away. Every 10 seconds we will look 10 times further away and our view of … Continue reading Powers of Ten Continue reading

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How Much Does Light Weigh?

Photons are massless particles. They move at the speed of light and do not have an intrinsic mass. And since light is made of photons, we can say that light has no mass. Story over, right? Did you know that light can exerts a force on objects? This force can cause them to weigh more. … Continue reading How Much Does Light Weigh? Continue reading

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The Size of the Universe, Relative to the Size of a Picnicker

The video begins with a man and a woman out on a picnic, then begins zooming out farther and farther. They start with a focus image 1 x 1 meter wide, then zoom out to a field of vision 10 times larger every ten seconds. So, the first zoom out brings the image to 10m … Continue reading The Size of the Universe, Relative to the Size of a Picnicker Continue reading

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The Power of the Moon

The moon has always been a central part of human cultures, whether through film, art, music, or folklore. You have probably heard myths about the full moon and its effects on human (or animal) behavior. Here is some information on many historical beliefs about the power of the moon: Fertility: It was commonly held that a … Continue reading The Power of the Moon Continue reading

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Where the Zodiac Signs Come From

What’s your sign? This is a common question you may have encountered in your life. While most people aren’t too deep into astrology, chances are that most of us have looked into our daily horoscope at least once for fun. However, a lot of people don’t really know where these signs come from, or why … Continue reading Where the Zodiac Signs Come From Continue reading

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The 13th Zodiac

When NASA formally announced in 2016 that there is a 13th Zodiac Constellation, people everywhere were so shocked. They felt that NASA had been withholding information from the public. Cosmopolitan, an entertainment news outlet that does daily horoscopes for its users, published a story immediately providing the new borders for the zodiac symbols. Later in … Continue reading The 13th Zodiac Continue reading

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Traveling at the Speed of Light

Have you ever imagined what it would be like moving at the speed of light? To have the ability to travel that quickly (think ~300,000,000 m/s) would be incomprehensible — you’d experience a host of different effects, including time dilation (how more rapidly moving objects experience time more slowly), relativistic aberration (how your field of … Continue reading Traveling at the Speed of Light Continue reading

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The Cosmic Calendar

The Cosmic Calendar is a method used to visualize and better understand the timeline of the universe. Midnight, January 1st, is when the Big Bang occurred, and December 31st, 23:59:59, is modern time. On the Cosmic Calendar, the early development of the universe ranged from January 1st to September 6th and the first known biotic … Continue reading The Cosmic Calendar Continue reading

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Time Travel

While transporting a human from 2019 to the age of the dinosaurs might be a little ways off in terms of technological development, there is another form of time travel that occurs every day and all it takes to appreciate is a glance at the sky. One of the more thought-provoking aspects of the universe … Continue reading Time Travel Continue reading

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Picture the enormous universe

The vast size of universe is so hard to picture in one image because its size is unbelievably enormous compared to human and Earth. Our planet Earth has the size around 12,742 km diameter. And the nearest object to us is moon which is approximately 384,400 km from us. The number is already huge in … Continue reading Picture the enormous universe Continue reading

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