Daily Archives: January 20, 2020

Is it possible to travel faster than light?

Einstein created a new physics framework with the notions of space and time, known as the theory of general relativity. As he continued to study these concepts, he realized the connectedness between the two, then referring to it as space-time. His theory explained how time does not go by at the same rate for stillContinue reading “Is it possible to travel faster than light?” Continue reading

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The Equinoxes Throughout History

The winter and summer solstices occur as a result of the Earth’s tilt. The summer solstice occurs for a hemisphere when it is facing most directly towards the sun, and this marks the longest time of sunlight for that hemisphere. The winter solstice, is the exact opposite occurrence, resulting in the least amount of timeContinue reading “The Equinoxes Throughout History” Continue reading

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