Daily Archives: February 6, 2022

The Gravitas of Sir Isaac Newton

The astronomer that I am choosing to write about is Sir Isaac Newton. Newton was an important astronomer, mathematician, and physicist and perhaps one of the most important contributors to our current understanding of the solar system and universe today who lived from January 4, 1643 to March 31, 1727. Most notably, his discovery ofContinue reading “The Gravitas of Sir Isaac Newton” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Nicholas Copernicus was incredibly important to astronomy because he first proposed a model of the universe in which the Sun was at the center and that Earth orbited it (heliocentric model). This was incredibly controversial during his time because most people believed the Earth was at the center of the universe and everything else orbited […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler (December 27th, 1571 – November 15th, 1630) was a German-born astronomer who carried out much of his scientific research in Prague. Inarguably, Kepler’s most important contributions to astronomy were his three laws of planetary motion, the first two of which he published in 1609, and the third a decade later. The first law states […] Continue reading

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