Monthly Archives: February 2022

Historical Astronomers in Context

In this post we will be discussing Galileo Galilei in context of his historical era. But first, a little detail about Galilei himself. Galileo Galilei is notable for his astronomical work with the telescope. Using the apparatus that could magnify objects to 20 times their size, he was able to observe the surface of the […] Continue reading

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Separation of Church and State (of Astronomy)

Johannes Kepler (1571 – 1630) was a massively important astronomer because he was the first to recognize that orbits were not perfect circles, but in fact ellipses. This was particularly significant because it allowed accurate predictions that supported the heliocentric model. He also found that orbiting objects move faster when closer to the object they […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton was born January 4, 1643 and died March 31, 1727. Historical events that happened during his life Charles I beheading was January 30, 1649. He was put on trial for treason and declared guilty soon after. Restoration of England was a period that began in 1660 and ended in 1685. It meant for…Continue reading » Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei was important to astronomy because he disproved the Aristotelian theory about the immutability of the heavens. Additionally, he managed to invent a telescope with a magnification of 30 times. Additionally, he was able to observe the moon in great detail and even make estimated topographic maps of its surface. He also was able […] Continue reading

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Johannes Kepler in Context

Johannes Kepler was born December 27th 1571 and died November 15th 1630. Some of his most prolific discoveries lied in the three major laws of planetary motion. The first law concluded that planets move around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The second is that the time it takes for a planet to move around […] Continue reading

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Galileo in Context

1564-1642 More info on Galileo A significant event that happened during Galileo’s time was the settlement of Jamestown,Virginia.(1606) Another significant event that happened was the publication of the King James Bible in England.(1611) A significant figure that was alive during Galileo’s time was William Shakespeare.Shakespeare was born April 23, 1564.He died on April 23,1616.Shakespeare is […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Copernicus Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 – May 24, 1543) is incredibly important to the history of astronomy. He was the one to first suggest that the Earth was not the center of the universe. Instead he surmised that the Earth and the neighboring planets revolved around the sun, thus stirring up controversy amongst many. […] Continue reading

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Johannes Kepler in Historical Context

Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571 – November 15, 1630) revolutionized astronomy and improved upon the works of previous astronomers (including Copernicus and Tycho) in multiple ways. Kepler was able to develop a mathematical model of the universe that was heliocentric and was both more accurate and simpler than that of Ptolemy, whose geocentric model with […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler: December 27, 1571 to November 15, 1630 (Image from Wikimedia Commons) Born in Germany during the 16th century, Kepler was born to a poor Lutheran family. However, his views on both a heliocentric solar system and his personal beliefs contradicting the Lutheran Faith in the Formula of Concord resulted in him alone in […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler Kepler was born December 27, 1571, and died on November 15, 1630, at 58 years old. He was an astronomer, a mathematician, and a philosopher. He worked with Tycho Brahe and used his observations to deduce his first law of planetary motion: 1) planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one […] Continue reading

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