Daily Archives: April 9, 2023

Birth and Death of Stars

The birth and death of stars is a complex and intriguing process that occurs over millions or even billions of years. Understanding this process is important for gaining a deeper understanding of our universe and the conditions necessary for life to exist. The birth of a star begins with a cloud of gas and dust […] Continue reading

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Dwarf Planet Eris

Eris, the largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System, was discovered in 2005 by a team of astronomers led by Mike Brown. With a diameter of approximately 2,326 kilometers, Eris is located in the outer Solar System and has an elliptical orbit that takes it from as close as 38.2 astronomical units (AU) to […] Continue reading

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In the outermost layer of the solar system, there is a […] Continue reading

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Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is a deep, powerful vortex that is broader than Earth and has been churning for hundreds of years. Its driving mechanism differs from that of other vortices, suggesting that it derives its energy from denser and deeper layers of the atmosphere. The energy mechanisms causing the Great Red Spot […] Continue reading

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Strange Dwarf Planets!

We all recognize Pluto as one of the most famous dwarf planets in our solar system. Since its reclassification in 2006, moreover, it has continued to intrigue both astronomers and the general public. From its icy surface to its various moons, Pluto is an incredibly unique world. However, there are many more interesting dwarf planets […] Continue reading

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Pluto is a particularly interesting dwarf planet, which […] Continue reading

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Gotteem. This ain’t about Valentine’s Day. Nor is it about Minecraft. Nor the seagulls from Finding Nemo. This is about asteroid mining. You’ve been jabaited. But stick around for the ride of your life, or well, a mildly exciting exploration of the next generation of mining. The Earth is limited in its resources, as we […] Continue reading

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The Mysterious Dark Matter

Dark Matter- image by Sciencealert Did you know that we know less about the universe than we do about what we don’t know? It’s true! Dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries out there. We know it’s responsible for about 68% of the universe’s expansion, but we have no idea what it is or […] Continue reading

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