Monthly Archives: April 2024

How do we Reconcile With the Fermi Paradox?

The Fermi Paradox questions the discrepancy between the vastness of the universe and the apparent lack of intelligent life. This paradox has been discussed at length with many experts and as all paradoxes go, there is no clear conclusion. However, there does appear to be strong rebuttals to the paradox. One rebuttal that I find […] Continue reading

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Blog 7 – Drake Equation “Haters”

Frank Drake in front of his “Drake Equation” I had a great time learning about and using the Drake Equation during our class period. However, after doing more research, I found many people who are heavily against the Drake Equation. In this blog post, I will review some of their main arguments. First, on “Y […] Continue reading

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Gotta find them all!!

Knowing about all the planets in our own solar system made us wonder if there are other planetary systems out there as well. And there are!! But how did we detect these extrasolar planets? There are four ways to detect extrasolar planets. The simplest way, but not always the easiest way, is direct observation. That’s […] Continue reading

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No, we cannot communicate with aliens

Since the beginning of our endeavors in the final frontier, one of the central themes has been the expectation and hope of extraterrestrial life. It has been the theme for an incalculable quantity of science fiction, and one of the paramount symbols used when justifying our efforts to explore the universe. In that effect, many […] Continue reading

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All is Said and Sun

Wow, I cannot believe we are already at the end of the semester! This class has certainly been a journey, and we learned so much together! At the beginning of this course, I was not sure what to expect, and I was nervous that it was totally out of my wheelhouse, but ASTR 2110 gave […] Continue reading

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Wrapping Up the Solar System – Cameron Klein – Blog #8

Wow. I simply cannot believe that the second semester of my freshman year has come to a close. Entering this class, I was expecting to struggle through just another science course, however, I could not have been more wrong. I have learned more in this class than any other class that I have ever taken. […] Continue reading

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Blog 8: Astronomy in the Future

After taking this course, I am extremely excited to stay updated and learn more about astronomy and any news that comes out in the future. Now that I understand a lot more about how our solar system works, I am excited to read more and more about new findings in the world of astronomy. I […] Continue reading

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Messages to Space

Ever since humans realized there are worlds beyond our own, we have been curious if there is life outside of planet Earth. The universe is huge, so we can likely assume that somewhere out in the vastness of space there is life. But is it intelligent? Could we communicate with them? Would we even want […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Interstellar Travel

In movies, spaceships often travel at the speed of light, but in reality, we are far from achieving this. Our fastest spacecraft only reach 1/10,000 of the speed of light taking them about 100,000 years to get to the nearest star system. Moreover, the spacecraft we’ve sent so far aren’t even headed towards Alpha Centauri due to […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox – Cameron Klein – Blog Post #7

Humans have never left the Milky Way. Therefore, it is really difficult to know if life truly exists beyond our galaxy. However, if humans were to become interstellar travelers (even if traveling at relatively slow speeds), we would be able to have humans all around the Milky Way in just a few million years! Though […] Continue reading

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