Author Archives: indianwm

The Constant Search For Life

In this past week, three new planets have been discovered in Kepler’s habitable zone. These three planets are announced to potentially host life. This may or may not be true, but the thought of finding planets slightly larger than earth that are in the Goldilocks zone is exciting in itself. For me, this is what […] Continue reading

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UK Astrobiolgy Centre Searching For Life In Space

The UK atrobiology centre is seeking life outside of earth. The astrobiology field is still developing because we have not found any life forms of any kind outside of earth. But the UK centre is determined to succeed. They believe that Mars has a high probability of containing life. However, the surface of mars is […] Continue reading

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Why Pluto is Not a Planet

This informative video talks about Pluto, from discovery to why it is no longer considered a planet, but a dwarf planet. The discovery of Pluto was in 1930 by a man named Clyde Tombaugh in Arizona. Since this time Pluto has been classified as a Dwarf Planet. It lays in the Kuiper belt beyond Neptune […] Continue reading

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Mars: Trend in Water Presence

Last week, the Mars rover named Curiosity, found evidence for water-bearing minerals in rocks. The rover Curiosity was launched in 2011 from Cape Canaveral and landed on Mars in August, 2012. This rover is equipped with many devices that have multiple uses for observing and testing the terrain and environment on Mars. Among these is […] Continue reading

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Voyager 2 and Its Solar System Exploration

Voyager 2 is the second spacecraft to explore the outer solar system, following the Voyager 1. However, Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft that has accomplished the task of studying Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune at close distances. Voyager 2 was launched on August 20th, 1977 to study the outer solar system, as well as […] Continue reading

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Virgin Galactic

Sir Richard Branson of Virgin records, Virgin mobile, and many other large companies has brought the dream of space travel to civilians. Finally, non-astronauts are able to roam through space and experience what very few have. This trip, however, is quite expensive and will not be able to be experienced by everyone. The starting price […] Continue reading

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The Hubble Telescope

The Hubble Telescope has been one of the most beneficial tools for discoveries and research since the beginning of the study of astronomy. When the Hubble Telescope was launched in 1990, it was sent 353 miles above earths surface where it would orbit earth at an incredible speed. The telescope orbits earth every 97 minutes. […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (1/4/1643 – 3/31/1727) Isaac Newton Bio 1)   During Newtons lifetime In 1648, the treaty of Westphalia was signed. This treaty ended the thirty years war which took place in Germany. In 1701, The UK of Great Britain was formed. This was when England, Scotland, and Wales all entered the Parliamentary Act of Union. […] Continue reading

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NASA meteor counter

  NASA has released an iPhone app that encourages people to go outside and observe the nights sky, particularly meteors. Not only does this app benefit the people using it, but it also helps NASA research with meteors and meteor showers. This app was initially developed to be a fun way for people to explore […] Continue reading

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The Unseen Universe

The size of the Universe is one of the most amazing topics that is brought up through astronomy. The universe is so large that we are able to look back billions of years to see the beginning of time. As we look back in time, we are able to discover the different changes that occurred to form […] Continue reading

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