Category Archives: Class

What color is the Sun? (not yellow)

by me The Sun is the brightest and biggest celestial body in our solar system. Its diameter is 865,000 miles, which is about 110 Earths long. Without the Sun’s light, there would be no life on Earth. The Sun is so important to us humans, yet some people don’t take the time to appreciate its […] Continue reading

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Our Voyage

We have an innate desire to explore. If we look at our history as a species, that seems to be consistently true from the very beginning. But the frontier of space presents a distinct challenge from previous frontiers — it is simply SO large. Large enough, in fact, that for the first time in the […] Continue reading

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Nature’s Closely Guarded Secret – Nuclear Fusion

We are, quite literally, made of stardust. Stars are the birthplace of many of the elements that make up our physical reality as we know it. Heavier elements (heavier than Iron, specifically) were created in a Supernova — a violent explosion of epic proportions at the end of a massive stars life. Inside of every […] Continue reading

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☆Born to shine, forced to fuse☆

Stars, like us, have an exciting life journey. Stars are born when gas and dust in cold molecular clouds collapse from gravity. Just like our solar system, the formation of a star involves the gas cloud spinning, heating, and flattening until the star is formed. Something I thought was cool was that stars tend to […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Telescope Industry

Telescope Industry Size Projection The astronomical telescope industry is experiencing a gradual yet significant rise, with a projected market size of USD 1,298.71 million by 2031. This growth is driven by several key drivers, including technological advancements, increased interest in astronomy, and applications in education and research. Technological integration, such as the incorporation of digital […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Climate Change Startups!

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today. With each passing year, the evidence of its devastating impacts becomes more apparent, from extreme weather events to biodiversity loss. Addressing this crisis requires urgent efforts across various sectors. In recent years, startups have emerged, helping fight against climate change, leveraging innovation and […] Continue reading

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Tectonics, plate tectonics, and Pangea

Something that is interesting is the difference between plate tectonics and tectonics. Tectonics is the faulting or folding or other deformation of the outer layer of a planet. This goes hand in hand with volcanism because of the required internal heat. A good example of this in our solar is mars having the Tharsis region […] Continue reading

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Carbon Dating

Ever wonder how we know how old dinosaurs were? Or how long humans have been on the Earth? Well, it all comes down to a technique that scientists use called carbon dating. The process starts with the Sun’s radiation colliding with a N-14 causing a proton to fall off and creating C-14. This C-14 reacts […] Continue reading

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What Americans Think of Space

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying NASA’s Crew-5 Dragon spacecraft In 2023, the Pew Research Center surveyed over 10,000 American adults to understand Americans’ views of space issues.  Here are a few of Pew’s findings :  Pew also asked respondents how they would rate priorities for NASA’s space efforts. The survey listed the nine priorities […] Continue reading

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NASA’s MAVEN mission

The MAVEN spacecraft NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution spacecraft (MAVEN) is studying Mars’s atmosphere. MAVEN was launched in November 2013 and arrived and arrived at Mars in September 2014. The MAVEN mission is helping scientists learn about how Mars loses its atmosphere and how/when the planet lost its water.  MAVEN is an orbiter spacecraft […] Continue reading

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