Category Archives: General

Distant but Deadly

93 million miles away there is a threat that can have a huge impact on us. The threat is a solar storm which charged particles erupt from the sun. These particles can create electrical currents that seep into the magnetosphere. The effects of this are huge. GPS systems will be thrown off, people will be […] Continue reading

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Things You Didn’t Know You Didn’t Know: Bismuth Edition

Bismuth, a very neat looking little element, is one of those things in life that went largely unrecognized for a long time, until the world wised up and started to take notice. I like that, because it means bismuth was … Continue reading Continue reading

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NASA’s Budget Problems

  Space should be made more accessible to the average person. That should be one of the main concerns for mankind as a whole in the next few decades. For years, interest in space has been dwindling, and it seems that all that is left are the last few dying embers of a once great … Continue reading NASA’s Budget Problems Continue reading

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30-Meter Telescope-What does that even mean?

When I first heard the term 30-meter telescope I was quite confused. Did this mean that the telescope is 30 meters long? Does this mean that the telescope is powerful? Based on the size of the telescope in the image above it is clear that the telescope is powerful. The 30-meters refers to the length […] Continue reading

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Conservation Laws

If you were to summarize the most important lesson taught throughout Chapters 3-6, the most overarching theme to take note of would have to be the conservation laws that exist throughout our universe. The conservation of momentum, angular momentum and … Continue reading Continue reading

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Constantly Falling

Contrary to popular belief, there is gravity in space, in fact gravity is everywhere. On the International Space Station, there is as much gravitational force as it is on Earth’s surface. But then… why are those astronauts (in the video) merrily floating around? Not to ruin the party or anything, but they are not floating […] Continue reading

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Sky and Telescope

Sky and Telescope This website is very cool!  It shows an easy to understand layout of what planets, stars, etc. you will be viewing in the night sky and where they will be moving throughout the night and week.  It also gives you categories of different celestial objects you can try to search for in … Continue reading Sky and Telescope Continue reading

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The “World” in Which We Live

Throughout the first few weeks of class, what I’ve found to be extraordinarily interesting in the field of astronomy is not so much the scientific discoveries we have come to understand, but rather what these findings can teach us in … Continue reading Continue reading

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A Humbling Experience

The picture that I have attached above aptly describes what my time in the class has made me feel.  Prior to Astro 201, I had very little knowledge about the workings of our Universe.  And while I’m not saying that a single 200-level course has made me anything even resembling an expert, I feel that […] Continue reading

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Expansion of the Mind and Universe

The size of the Earth compared to the scale of the universe is very humbling. There is so much that we do not know, and there is still so much […] Continue reading

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