Category Archives: Historical

Galileo in Context

Galileo Galilei (15 February, 1564 – 8 January, 1642) was important to astronomy for quite a few reasons, so I’ll stick to the main points. To start with, he made major improvements to the design of the telescope through his study and application of optics, paving the way for his own and other’s astronomical observations.Continue reading “Galileo in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Tycho Brahe is my chosen astronomer. He was born on 14, Dec. 1546 and died 24, Oct. 1601. (Wikipedia) Some historical events that occurred during Brahe’s lifetime include: 1553-1558: The crowning of Mary as Queen of England, making her the first woman to rule England (Intriguing History) 1562: Witchcraft becomes a capital offense (Intriguing History)Continue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

My Chosen Astronomer: Isaac Newton (1642 – 1727) acted as the individual who tied together all the theory and observations of the astronomers that came before him. His invention of calculus and other mathematical accomplishments allowed him to apply these new concepts to the perceived circular motion of the planets and moon to develop hisContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27th, 1571 and died on November 15th, 1630. After influential astronomer Tycho Brahe passed away, his unfinished work and data was given to Kepler to continue. With this data, Kepler discovered that Mars’ orbit is an ellipse, publishing Astronomia Nova in 1609 (now known as Kepler’s first two laws). Later in … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in Context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Sir Isaac Newton born December 25 1642, died March 20 [March 31], 1727 During Newton’s life two major events that occurred were the bubonic great plague and the Renaissance. The bubonic plague killed 75,000 people in England, black rats and fleas brought the disease back to the country. Whole towns of people died and people wouldContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

  Johannes Kepler was a German astronomer born December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Germany. He is well known in the field of astronomy for his three laws of planetary motion. He found that planets orbit on an ellipse rather than a perfect circle, that the planet and the sun sweep out equal areasContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Galileo Galilei Birth: February 15, 1564.  Death: January 8, 1642 Historical events: The most important historical event in Galileo’s life should be Renaissance, during which Italy was the center of the revolution. Galileo was a leading figure in the scientific revolution during Renaissance. In that period, many achievements were made in fields such as painting,Continue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Copernicus in Context

Nicholas Copernicus was born February 19th, 1473 and died May 24th, 1543. He was important to astronomy because he contested the commonly accepted geocentric model of the solar system and universe, favoring a heliocentric one. This not only led to one of the greatest advancements in astronomy, but it also helped open the door toContinue reading “Copernicus in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Isaac Newton (January 4, 1643- March 31, 1727) In 1693 the College of William and Mary was founded. William and Mary was the second college to be founded in the United States so education in this way was a fairly new concept. In 1707 the Acts of Union were passed to form the United KingdomContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context” Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context!

Johannes Kepler, born December 27, 1571; died November 15, 1630, was hugely important to astronomy as his ideas and, most notably, his three laws, paved the way for important future developments and understanding in the field. His laws helped provide more evidence for the heliocentric idea. He specifically refuted the idea that planets orbit inContinue reading “Historical Astronomers in Context!” Continue reading

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