Category Archives: Historical

Voyager 2

August 20, 1977. The flyby-type probe Voyager 2 was launched from Earth, destined to explore our Solar System and beyond. Passing by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, Voyager 2 carried with it instruments to relay close-up images of these Jovian planets, and a message from Earth to be read and listened to by those who … Continue reading Voyager 2 Continue reading

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A Voyager in the Solar System: The Story of the Voyager I and II

Two twins. Exploring where no other spacecraft has ever explored before. This was the goal that NASA set out to accomplish when they launched the Voyager spacecrafts. At least, this is what their missions came to be. However, it is not just the missions themselves that make them famous, but also what they carry for… Continue Reading → Continue reading

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Astronomy with a Twist of History

As an anthropology major, it is cool to see my interest in archeology and what I’m currently learning in astronomy intersect through archeoastronomy. Archaeoastronomy is defined by as: “the branch of archaeology that deals with the apparent use by prehistoric civilizations of astronomical techniques to establish the seasons or the cycle of the year, … Continue reading Astronomy with a Twist of History Continue reading

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Light – Beyond the Shadow

  Plato believed that our senses could not be trusted to reveal the truth of the Universe. He argued that the world around us was an imperfect representation of the ideal world, our perception put before us by our faculties – simply shadows cast from imperceptible forms. Cognizance of truth was achievable only by means … Continue reading Light – Beyond the Shadow Continue reading

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Retrograde Motion: Illusions and Jinxes

Understanding the heavens has proven confusing for countless generations of humans in part because of the illusions caused by our perspective from earth. For millennia, the majority opinion was a geocentric universe, where the sun, moon, planets, and stars revolved around the earth, since they all seemed to do so from the earth’s perspective. All […] Continue reading

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An Archeo-Astronomical Wonder of the Middle Ages

Historians and archaeologists have wondered about the mystery of Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument that is in England dated back to about 1848 B.C., which is said to… Read more “An Archeo-Astronomical Wonder of the Middle Ages” Continue reading

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 Stonehenge The concept of time is something that is invaluable to humans. The passage of time brings with it changes in weather, seasons, rainfall, and daylight. Especially during the beginning of civilizations, it was important to understand how much time passed to keep track of the changing conditions. In order to keep track of the … Continue reading Archaeoastronomy Continue reading

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 Stonehenge The concept of time is something that is invaluable to humans. The passage of time brings with it changes in weather, seasons, rainfall, and daylight. Especially during the beginning of civilizations, it was important to understand how much time passed to keep track of the changing conditions. In order to keep track of the … Continue reading Archaeoastronomy Continue reading

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Contextualizing Historical Astronomers

Sir Isaac Newton- Born: 12/25/1642, Died: 3/20/1726       Isaac Newton is regarded by many as the father of modern science. Not only did he come up with his three laws of physics, but he also invented calculus as he was trying to understand the orbital paths of comets he was observing. The application … Continue reading Contextualizing Historical Astronomers Continue reading

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A Powerful Letter

Chapter 3 explained to us how Galileo solidified the Copernican revolution, and sealed the case on how Earth would be viewed in perspective of the universe. In 1615, Galileo wrote a letter to Grand Duchess Christina, in attempt to accommodate his observations’ confirmation of Copernicanism with the doctrines and scripture of the Church. He held … Continue reading A Powerful Letter Continue reading

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