Category Archives: Instruments

includes telescopes and space probes

NASA meteor counter

  NASA has released an iPhone app that encourages people to go outside and observe the nights sky, particularly meteors. Not only does this app benefit the people using it, but it also helps NASA research with meteors and meteor showers. This app was initially developed to be a fun way for people to explore […] Continue reading

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Moon App!

Apple has an application for your iPod and iPad that helps you easily learn everything you would want to know about the moon. It is kind of like Stellarium for your phone! Whether you want to know the phase the moon is currently in, its Azimuth or altitude, this app can tell you. I think […] Continue reading

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Google’s Sky Map

When looking around for astronomy applications for Android I came across Google’s Sky Map. This is a popular stargazing application that is free on the Google Play store. One of the best features of this app is the location and sky tracking. This feature will track exactly where your phone is pointing in the sky. […] Continue reading

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Astronomy Smartphone Apps

This image comes from the Star Chart App for smartphones.  This app is really cool because it tells you the location of stars, planets, and constellations, etc.  It has charts of what the night sky will look like all over … Continue reading Continue reading

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