Category Archives: Light

Light: It’s More than We Think

Flip a switch. Turn a knob. Push a button. Look in the sky in the day or at night. Each of these actions will allow you to see light, and most people see light as nothing more than an illuminator. Its purpose in the field of astronomy is much more than illuminating the Universe forContinue reading “Light: It’s More than We Think” Continue reading

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The Speed of Light and Gravity

We all know that light travels fast – 299,792,458 meters per second, to be precise. Still, if the sun were to suddenly disappear into a mysterious void, you and I on Earth would not notice for about 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Or would we? Would we not immediately feel the sudden jolt of ourContinue reading “The Speed of Light and Gravity” Continue reading

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Is it possible to travel faster than light?

Einstein created a new physics framework with the notions of space and time, known as the theory of general relativity. As he continued to study these concepts, he realized the connectedness between the two, then referring to it as space-time. His theory explained how time does not go by at the same rate for stillContinue reading “Is it possible to travel faster than light?” Continue reading

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The Dark Side of the Moon?

The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, which means that we always see the same side of the Moon. People have come to call the side of the moon that we do not see the “dark side” of the Moon, as they think that this side never sees the sun and that the Moon’s […] Continue reading

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The Speed of Light: Can We Go Faster?

The speed of light in a vacuum is around 300,000,000 meters per second (for those more accustomed to freedom units, that’s 186,282 miles per second). Thanks to Albert Einstein and many other prominent scientists, we believe that only massless particles like photons are able to achieve this speed. This implies that it’s theoretically impossible forContinue reading “The Speed of Light: Can We Go Faster?” Continue reading

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Is there such a thing as the present?

Did you know that the speed of light is around 3.00 × 108 m/s? For now, it is believed that there is nothing faster than the speed of light, which is why large astronomical distances are often denoted by light-years, the distance that light can travel in a year. If we were to see a galaxyContinue reading “Is there such a thing as the present?” Continue reading

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And We’re Off, To the Past

Growing up, I fantasized time travel and if it would ever be possible. I watched cartoons and movies that made time travel seem so real. Of course, I got a little older and realized physical time travel would be a thing of the distant future, if it ever comes to fruition. I let the fantasyContinue reading “And We’re Off, To the Past” Continue reading

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At the Edge of Knowledge

Light is definitely the single most important measure for scientists to study our universe. Since universe first became transparent 380,000 years after the Big Bang, thanks to its incredible properties, light has enabled humans to learn a great deal about universe as far as 45 billion light-year away from earth. Therefore, it is crazy toContinue reading “At the Edge of Knowledge” Continue reading

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What’s in a Black Hole?

There are few things in the entire Universe that are as terrifyingly awesome as a black hole. To have a region of space exist that contains gravitational forces so strong that literally nothing can escape it (whether it’s a particle, light, or any electromagnetic radiation for that matter) seems like a concept straight out of … Continue reading What’s in a Black Hole? Continue reading

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The Northern Lights

One of the world’s most fascinating and natural wonders are the Northern Lights. These magical lights come in a variety of dancing colors. This seemingly random light show occurs as a result of interactions of Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere with solar winds. Solar winds released by the Sun’s sunspot regions travel through space until … Continue reading The Northern Lights Continue reading

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