Category Archives: Physics

Black Body Radiation, analyzing the Universe at Long Distance

Illustration of Supermassive BlackHole Formation (An Ideal Black Body) from GOODS Source: X-ray: NASA/CXC/Scuola Normale Superiore/Pacucci, F. et al, Illustration: NASA/CXC/M. Weiss Optical: NASA/STScI; Celestial Bodies throughout the universe are extraordinarily far away, yet despite this we are able to describe these objects with precision. The reason this is possible is because the radiation of these […] Continue reading

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The Slingshot Maneuver

For any of you who have seen the movie adaption of, “A Wrinkle In Time” may remember the scene where two of the protagonists hide in a tree stump in order to be thrown over a wall. Meg, one of these protagonists, has parents who work in quantum theory, so she has picked up knowledge […] Continue reading

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Roche Limit

In science fiction novels and movies, we occasionally see a planet or a moon being teared into pieces due to it being to close to a star or a larger planet. In the newly premiered Chinese sci-fi movie The Wandering Earth II, our moon potentially gets torn into chunks as it moves closer to the […] Continue reading

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Retrograde motion

Retrograde motion is one of the apparent motions of pla […] Continue reading

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Nuances of Thermal Energy

Today I learned about the nuances of thermal energy that answered a forgotten question from my childhood. When I was little I was always afraid to stick my hand inside a hot oven because I knew how badly my tongue gets burned whenever I drink something hot. However, when I finally did stick my hand […] Continue reading

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The polarization of light

Light waves travel through electric and magnetic fields that vibrate perpendicular from each other. As an electromagnetic wave, like all waves, light’s vibration has a direction along with its frequency and wavelength. We often imagine waves moving up and down vertically, like a wave on the shore, but this is not always the case. Specifically, […] Continue reading

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High and Low Tides with a Bit of British Humor

High and low tides can pose great challenges and dangers to nature lovers, especially those who enjoy being close to the water. I was originally searching how spring/neap and high/low tides might affect erosion rates; while scouring the Internet, I found this article from the UK (Lancaster Guardian) that details how these tide patterns actually […] Continue reading

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Have you ever thought about why planets in our night sky sometimes appear to be moving backwards? Well, this phenomenon is known as retrograde motion. It is not as strange as it sounds. Retrograde occurs when a planet is moving in the sky and appears to be moving backwards from our perspective on Earth –  […] Continue reading

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“The Fault in Our Stars”

One of my favorite topics in science since I took AP Chemistry has been the concept of entropy. (So much so that I’ve adopted it as my internet pseudonym to allude to my tendency to catalyze social controversy wherever I go.) Entropy was the first abstract concept that I encountered; we didn’t have a perfect […] Continue reading

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Black Holes

If you’re like me, you’ve heard plenty about black holes, but your only real understanding comes from a couple Interstellar screenings. The movie does a pretty great job being accurate, but even the excessively brilliant characters don’t know whats going on behind the scenes. This blog is an exploration of the phenomena, equal parts for […] Continue reading

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