Category Archives: Science

The Importance of Spectroscopy

The impact that spectroscopy and light has had on the world has not been recognized enough. The discovery of spectroscopy has allowed us to know so much more about astronomy and what makes up our universe. Spectroscopy is the investigation and measurement of spectra when matter interacts with electromagnetic radiation. In astronomy, we look atContinue reading “The Importance of Spectroscopy” Continue reading

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Light: It’s More than We Think

Flip a switch. Turn a knob. Push a button. Look in the sky in the day or at night. Each of these actions will allow you to see light, and most people see light as nothing more than an illuminator. Its purpose in the field of astronomy is much more than illuminating the Universe forContinue reading “Light: It’s More than We Think” Continue reading

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The Speed of Light and Gravity

We all know that light travels fast – 299,792,458 meters per second, to be precise. Still, if the sun were to suddenly disappear into a mysterious void, you and I on Earth would not notice for about 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Or would we? Would we not immediately feel the sudden jolt of ourContinue reading “The Speed of Light and Gravity” Continue reading

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The Cosmic Calendar

What is the Cosmic Calendar? Carl Sagan, a famous astronomer, promoted this idea of the cosmic calendar, that essentially is a tool used to help people visualize and understand how far apart events in the Universe are. Sagan has chronologically arranged the hallmark events of the Universe’s 13.8 billion year life span into just aContinue reading “The Cosmic Calendar” Continue reading

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And We’re Off, To the Past

Growing up, I fantasized time travel and if it would ever be possible. I watched cartoons and movies that made time travel seem so real. Of course, I got a little older and realized physical time travel would be a thing of the distant future, if it ever comes to fruition. I let the fantasyContinue reading “And We’re Off, To the Past” Continue reading

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The Beginning: A Little More of Me

Welcome to the inaugural post to Jonah’s Astronomy Interests! Just to start, here are some things about me because why not: I’m from St. Louis, Missouri (if you couldn’t tell from the picture above) and I wish I could’ve minored in astronomy but physics wasn’t the move. Another thing to share: I love when I’mContinue reading “The Beginning: A Little More of Me” Continue reading

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Astronomy and Religion

NASA: The Pillars of Creation    Before taking this class I had never really had an interest in astronomy other than a short run with the original series of Star Trek.  My knowledge of astronomy, and the universe in general, was very limited because of this. Like most people I had a basic understanding of … Continue reading Astronomy and Religion Continue reading

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Astronomy and Religion

NASA: The Pillars of Creation    Before taking this class I had never really had an interest in astronomy other than a short run with the original series of Star Trek.  My knowledge of astronomy, and the universe in general, was very limited because of this. Like most people I had a basic understanding of … Continue reading Astronomy and Religion Continue reading

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Life on Other Planets

 .                                                                                                              … Continue reading Life on Other Planets Continue reading

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Life on Other Planets

 .                                                                                                              … Continue reading Life on Other Planets Continue reading

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