Category Archives: Science

Porous Martian Mountain!

Like many things in space, the planet Mars has been a point of interest for many since its discovery long ago. Some even believe that it could one day be a place for the human race to relocate. Curiosity, a rover launched back in November of 2011, has been exploring the surface of mars for … Continue reading Porous Martian Mountain! Continue reading

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Transgressing the Boundaries: A Look at the Sokal Affair

I’ve been lucky to be able to study across very different academic fields in my undergraduate curriculum. This breadth of academic focus has made apparent to me the differences between how scholars in certain fields practice their craft. These differences contribute to the not-so-friendly rivalry between the so-called ‘hard’ sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc.) … Continue reading Transgressing the Boundaries: A Look at the Sokal Affair Continue reading

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Shaving for Science – the Principle of Occam’s Razor

One of the most crucial aspects of the Scientific Method is finding a model that fits observational data. However, what happens when multiple models fit our observations equally well? Which one do we choose? Here is where Occam’s Razor comes in. This principle states that we should generally choose the simplest model in such situations. […] Continue reading

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Astronomy Study Tool

Learning astronomy can sometimes be a difficult task. If it’s your first time taking any form of astronomy you may struggle to understand the vastness of the universe or Newton’s laws etc. One resource that I’ve been using to complete the lecture tutorials and study for class is P.E. Robinson’s youtube channel. Robinson is an … Continue reading Astronomy Study Tool Continue reading

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Astronomy Study Tool

Learning astronomy can sometimes be a difficult task. If it’s your first time taking any form of astronomy you may struggle to understand the vastness of the universe or Newton’s laws etc. One resource that I’ve been using to complete the lecture tutorials and study for class is P.E. Robinson’s youtube channel. Robinson is an … Continue reading Astronomy Study Tool Continue reading

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Using Stellarium for observing

“Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.” – Stellarium webpage   Stellarium is an amazing bit of software to use for help with astronomical observing.  It is free 🙂 and you can…

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The Cosmic Calendar

The Cosmic Calendar is the life of the universe condensed into a calendar year. It begins on January 1st at midnight and ends on December 31st just before midnight. The noteworthy time on this calendar is 8pm on December 1st: the start of human life. The universe is approximately 14 billion years old, so humans … Continue reading The Cosmic Calendar Continue reading

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The Moon & Human Behavior

In Chapter 2 we learned about the phases of the moon and important astronomical events such as solar and lunar eclipses. After reading this chapter, I thought back to the solar eclipse my freshman year when my friend said that the eclipse altered the behavior of animals and people within its range. At the time, […] Continue reading

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The Moon & Human Behavior

In Chapter 2 we learned about the phases of the moon and important astronomical events such as solar and lunar eclipses. After reading this chapter, I thought back to the solar eclipse my freshman year when my friend said that the eclipse altered the behavior of animals and people within its range. At the time, … Continue reading The Moon & Human Behavior Continue reading

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Eclipses and Wildlife

It’s an incredible experience to observe a solar eclipse, but not only for the eclipse itself. A large portion of the animal kingdom reacts to solar eclipses, some of them in surprisingly unique ways. A 2001 study of African wildlife showed that hippos feel like their daily routine has been disrupted, and act nervously after … Continue reading Eclipses and Wildlife Continue reading

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