Category Archives: Jovians

includes Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Put a Ring on It

An interesting characteristic that all the jovian planets possess is their rings. The most remarkable and noticeable of these are Saturn’s, which extend hundreds of thousands of kilometers wide. However, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all have rings as well, on a much smaller scale. Although the rings are rather wide, they are only 1-1000 m… Continue reading Put a Ring on It Continue reading

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Do we have Jupiter to thank for Earth?

A new study by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that Jupiter may just be more than the largest gas giant planet in our solar system. We little earthlings may be here thanks to Jupiter and its…

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An Ocean on a Moon?

One of the largest satellites in the solar system is Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. Though Ganymede is classified as a moon …

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Blog Post #6: Gas Giant Rings

Universe Today Very few people know that Saturn is not the only planet in our solar system that has rings. …

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Jovian s, the planets we can not touch

When we think of Planets we think of all of the ones that we have either stepped foot on or would like to step foot on someday.  Even though we haven’t visited any of the other planets due to their distances and weather we could hypothetically walk on all of them if we had the […] Continue reading

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Interiors of Jovian Planets

Jovian planets also go by the name of giant planets. In our solar system we have Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Their interiors look much different than the interiors of the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus, the Moon). Earth contains a metallic, solid core. As a kid I grew up hearing that the gas […] Continue reading

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Rings and Diamonds? A Girl’s Best Friend!

  On Jupiter and Saturn, scientists have recently discovered that there could be a lot of carbon on the planet.  This carbon could be present in the form of diamonds that rain down from the sky.  While the diamonds eventually melt and don’t stay around for long, they can be as large as a centimeter […] Continue reading

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Gas giants are a girl’s best friend

Rappers these days seem to emphasize how they ‘make it rain’ with money, sex, and drugs. But the gas giants of our solar system seem to have one-upped these ‘young upstarts’ (as my grandparents would say) by making it rain diamonds. Yes, literally, diamonds. According to findings by Dr Kevin Baines, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison […] Continue reading

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Why is Europa so Awesome?

A lot of the science community is excited about the possibility of life of Mars.  But, as we know, the vast majority of Mars’s atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and what water it does have is frozen in its polar ice caps.  An arguably much more exciting destination in our own Solar System is […] Continue reading

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New Saturn Discoveries

As we’ve learned in class, Saturn is an interesting planet mostly for its “rings” made of many small rocks and particles.  Because Saturn is a Jovian planet and so far away, we are still trying to learn as much as we can about it. In fact, scientists have discovered new information about Saturn’s rings and […] Continue reading

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