Category Archives: Moons

Tides and the Limits of Human Understanding

This story begins where so many great ones do (including the unnecessarily long URL of my blog) – by making fun of Bill O’Reilly: Like many people. Bill can’t grasp how the tides operate. And, in his defense, the explanation isn’t exactly obvious to the layperson. As the moon orbits Earth, its gravitational influence produces … Continue reading Tides and the Limits of Human Understanding Continue reading

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Blog #1: Solar Eclipse Calendar

A solar eclipse is when the moon comes between the sun and the Earth and completely or partially blocks the light from the sun. This can only occur when the moon is at the nodes of its orbit and when its precession allows it to be in this position while being between the sun and … Continue reading Blog #1: Solar Eclipse Calendar Continue reading

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Life on the Moon!!…Kinda

Does extraterrestrial life exist? Can living things even survive on another world? These are questions that have been asked for a long time and continue to be asked today. China tried to address the latter recently by experimenting with cotton seeds along with 6 other organisms, including potato seeds and fruit fly eggs, on their … Continue reading Life on the Moon!!…Kinda Continue reading

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The Dark Side of the Moon

Besides a popular Pink Floyd album, what is “the dark side of the Moon”? Most people have not given much though to what it means or how it got its infamous name. For me the first image I get is of the moon I know and love turning over to the dark side of the … Continue reading The Dark Side of the Moon Continue reading

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Europa: A Jovian Lunar Oasis?

Discovered in 1610 by the renowned astronomer, engineer, and philosopher Galileo Galilei, the Jovian orbiter Europa may again serve to revolutionize humanity’s cosmic perspective. Initially evidence that Earth was not the absolute center of motion in the Universe, Europa, among the discovery of the other Galilean moons, advanced the credibility of the heliocentric model through … Continue reading Europa: A Jovian Lunar Oasis? Continue reading

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Footprints on the Moon

Going to the moon – a feat that was never even dreamed by our ancestors. It seems unthinkable. Being able to go to something so far away. Being able to survive the harshness of space, even just momentarily inside a puffy marshmallow suit. It was unthinkable, a few centuries ago. But now we have evidence: […] Continue reading

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Footprints on the Moon

Going to the moon – a feat that was never even dreamed by our ancestors. It seems unthinkable. Being able to go to something so far away. Being able to survive the harshness of space, even just momentarily inside a puffy marshmallow suit. It was unthinkable, a few centuries ago. But now we have evidence: […] Continue reading

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Life on Europa?

For thousands of years, humans have considered the possibility of life existing on other planets – specifically those in our own solar system. Perhaps one of the most prime candidates for harboring life in our Solar System (other than our own planet, of course) is Europa – one of Jupiter’s 4 largest moons. Europa, the […] Continue reading

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Odd One Out

  Neptune’s moon Triton is a peculiar world in the Solar System. It just doesn’t fit with any solar system formation theory and the mysteries still remain. Why does the moon orbit backwards? Why is the surface so smooth? Is there a subsurface ocean? If a collision caused the backwards orbit, why does Triton still … Continue reading Odd One Out Continue reading

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Facts About Callisto

Callisto is one of Jupiter’s moons, and it is one of the four Galilean moons. Compared to Earth’s Moon, Callisto’s diameter is about 1.4 times that of the Moon and 1.5 times in mass. The distance between its parent planet, Jupiter, and Callisto is about 5 times the distance between Earth and our Moon. From … Continue reading Facts About Callisto Continue reading

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