Category Archives: SolarSystem

The moon’s origin

Earth’s moon is unique for several reasons. Earth’s moon relevant to its planet’s size, Earth is the largest in our solar system and that fact has drawn my curiosity to the subject of the moon’s origins and what makes it so unique. It is speculated that the moon originated when another terrestrial planet, Theia crashed […] Continue reading

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Earth and Venus: Zach and Cody?

Scientists argue that Venus is earth’s astronomical twin for a number on reasons. Like Zach and Cody from the Disney Channel sitcom, The Suite Life of Zach and Cody their physical similarities and dependance on each other cannot be overlooked. Looking at Earth and Venus’ similarities, the similar diameter comes to mind. The diameter of […] Continue reading

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The Sun’s Nuclear Fusion

The Sun has been producing a huge amount of energy for over 4 billion years through nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the process by which the Sun converts mass to energy. Albert Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, reveals that a little bit of mass has a huge amount of potential energy which indicates why the sun has […] Continue reading

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Born from the Stars

It may be hard to believe, but in all technicality, everything in the solar system, including humans, are born from star dust. Let’s start at the beginning, at the big bang. The matter released from the big bang made up the first generation of stars, only containing the elements hydrogen and helium. Eventually, when the …

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How the Moon Affects the Earth’s Tides

It is a common misconception that the tides on Earth are caused because the Moon’s gravitational pull is just pulling the ocean towards it. However, if this were the case then there would only be one tidal change every day…

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Blog 2: Tidal Changes

Water tides are a very interesting topic, yet most people think very shallow about them. Previously, all I knew or cared about tides was whether it was safe to go in the water. After a little research, I learned how important they are in terms of climate change. Humans recently have been dramatically altering the […] Continue reading

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What makes the Tides happen?

This blog will be referencing information sourced from the Tides: Crash Course Astronomy #8 video. We know that mass has gravity, and more mass had more gravity. This raises the question, why does the moon have a greater impact on the Earth’s tides than the Sun, even though the Sun has such a greater gravitational …

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Moon Phases!

To start off, I am going to be focusing on our own Earth’s Moon. As we all know, the Moon goes through phases as it orbits the planet. It’s current phase is dependent on where it is in the sky…

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Blog 1 – Initial Review of SkyView Lite

SkyView Lite is an iPhone application that allows the user to point their phone at different parts of the sky and see an overlay of constellations in the direction that they point. I downloaded the app and tried it out. This post is going to be about my experience using the app. The app works […] Continue reading

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The speed of light and what it means for the Earth-Sun system.

The speed of light is one of the most important laws (or principles) in our Universe. The speed of light determines what we see and when we see it, as well as providing a universal “speed-limit” for countless celestial objects that zoom throughout the universe. I find it illuminating to consider the speed of light […] Continue reading

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