Category Archives: Terrestrials

includes Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

If Earth had Rings

One of the most distinctive astronomical features of our solar system is the brilliant ring system of Saturn. Due to their position, scale and material composition, Saturn’s rings have a visibility and tone not present in the ring systems of other planets. I wondered what it would look like if earth had rings and what […] Continue reading

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Mercurial Art

“It appears that Mercury may well be a painted planet,” said Prof Peter Schultz, a co-author from Brown University. Mercury’s dull surface has long been a point of perplexion in the field of planetary geology. Scientists have thought that there must be a mystery darkening agent contributing to the planet’s low reflectance. A new study has given […] Continue reading

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“You want me to hack the planet?”

There are a compendium of factors that allow for life to exist on Earth, one of the most important of which is our core. Earth’s core is made up of molten metal that swirls and churns, generating a powerful magnetic field that shields the planet from radiation and solar wind. Our core is vital to […] Continue reading

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Venus: A Resemblance to Classical Images of Hell

Hot potato hot potato! It all boils down to the greenhouse effect!  Yes, the greenhouse effect goes beyond causing global warming here on Earth.  It is, in fact, necessary for life on Earth; without it, the planet would be far colder than it is today.  Certain gases present in both Venus’s and Earth’s atmosphere essentially act like… Continue reading

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“Y” in the Atmosphere of Venus

Source: For decades, scientists have been discussing the origins of a Y shaped feature in Venus’ atmosphere. The strange feature is shown above in a picture from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter in 1979. A recent theory is that the Y shape is formed by differences in the wind speed in the atmosphere. The theory states […] Continue reading

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Venus’s Atmosphere

In my opinion, one of the most interesting things in the readings was the section about Venus and its atmosphere in Chapter 10. What I found so interesting about it was the fact that Venus and Earth are so alike in terms of size and mass, but the difference that distance from the Sun made […] Continue reading

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The Biggest Volcano in the Solar System

The biggest volcano in the solar system was discovered in 1971 by the space probe Mariner 9, though it is …

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Surface of Venus Revealed from Earth Telescope

As many of us know, Venus is covered in a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide that makes it very difficult for scientist to view the surface of Venus. In the past, NASA’s Magellan spacecraft has used radar to penetrate the…

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Mars One Mission

In our society, the career of an astronaut has been painted as an idealistic childhood dream job or the mythical …

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My favorite tides

DIFFERENTIALS!! :) During class today, I talked about tides and how there is a great deal of misinformation out there. My favorite websites for the astronomical explanation of tides are: A rigorously correct but a tiny bit snarky treatment – it’s my favorite: Tidal Misconceptions by Dr. Donald E. Simanek One of the links from […] Continue reading

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