Category Archives: Space Travel

The Secrets of Perseverance

Solution to Perseverance’s parachute code, posted by Adam Steltzner When the Perseverance Rover landed on Feb.18, 2021, the parachute that was used appeared very unique, with a combination of orange and white strips. Coupled with the fact that in a conference, Allen Chen (the engineer in charge of the landing system) said, “we leave messagesContinue reading “The Secrets of Perseverance” Continue reading

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Life on Mars

In an interview with USA Today, NASA Scientist Jim Green talked about the high possibility that humans can and will occupy Mars. He went as far as to say that he sees the first human being sent to Mars by 2040. However, before sending a human to Mars, NASA needs to figure out a few […] Continue reading

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Ever wonder what exactly a wormhole is? The concept behind a wormhole basically is a way to shortcut your way to a distance extremely far away. I tend to think of it as having two dots on a piece of paper, and then folding that paper in half to have the point laying on topContinue reading “Wormholes” Continue reading

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Spacecraft in the Milky Way

Since 1958 over 250 spacecraft have entered our solar system to explore and have given a little bit more insight to the huge universe around us. One of those spacecraft, Parker, is on a mission to get seven times closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft before. Parker was launched in 2018 by the […] Continue reading

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Wanderers of Space

In this post we will talk about the concept of retrograde motion. If you watch the movement of planets, it is actually quite complex. The word planet comes from a greek term meaning “wandering star”. Planets typically move eastward throughout the constellations. When there is apparent retrograde motion the planets are moving westward throughout theContinue reading “Wanderers of Space” Continue reading

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The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales

Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 kilometers per second. At this speed, you could literally travel the circumference of the Earth 7 times in ONE second! The libra constellation is located approximately 40,000 light years away from earth. A light year is the distance traveled by light in a year (which is aboutContinue reading “The Speed of Light: Blasting Towards the Weighted Scales” Continue reading

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Speed of Light Discussion

Physics behind Solar Sails, by Robert Miller I actually find the speed of light and the implications behind this physical constraint pretty interesting. Particularly, if light takes time to travel, everything we see is technically in the past. As covered in the lecture, the sunlight that we see is 8 minutes old. But if weContinue reading “Speed of Light Discussion” Continue reading

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The Importance of Extrasolar Planets

Extrasolar planets, often called exoplanets, are planets that exist in other solar systems other than our own. These planets are very hard to find and study because their light is fainter than the light given off by the stars which they orbit. In 1992, astronomers Aleksander Wolszczan and Dale Frail noticed several planets orbiting theContinue reading “The Importance of Extrasolar Planets” Continue reading

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Space Junk

Space junk is a potential threat to human space exploration. In the frictionless vacuum of space, even a small particulate left behind by a past voyage can become deadly, fracturing seals and damaging the integrity of any spacecraft as it travels at extremely high speeds. So far, we’ve been relatively lucky—the sheer size of spaceContinue reading “Space Junk” Continue reading

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Is Space Exploration a Good Idea?

The coronavirus is now spreading across the globe and has been declared to be a pandemic. If a virus like this is so dangerous to humans, viruses that may exist somewhere else in the galaxy or universe would be so much worse… One day our sun will most likely grow to a red giant andContinue reading “Is Space Exploration a Good Idea?” Continue reading

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