Category Archives: Stars

HW #B4 – To Blink Or Not To Blink

On a warm night this summer on Edisto Island, SC, my friends and I took to the beach to go shrimping. The after-dark escapade turned into a feeding frenzy, reaping monstrous crustaceans with beady, red eyes. The younger kids eventually took turns in the water, and I sat on a sand dune and looked up at the clear […] Continue reading

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Gravitational Waves

One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity. This theory predicted that the acceleration of extremely massive objects would create ripples in the fabric of space-time, called gravitational waves. Just last week, a team of scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced that they had recorded a gravitational wave […] Continue reading

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Spectra Across Spectral Types

One of the beautiful aspects of the universe is that not every celestial object is exactly the same. The majority of stars spend their lives on the “main sequence” in which they have stable volume and continuously undergo hydrogen fusion. Astronomers use a classification system based solely upon the temperature of a star, assigning each […] Continue reading

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The Serial Killer Known as Light

Pretty Much a Giant Lightsaber Gamma Radiation Bursts (GRB) make up the brightest flashes of light from outer space and it isn’t even a contest. If we had the ability to see them we would probably all instantaneously go blind. These flashes of light can last anywhere from a few milliseconds to a few minutes […] Continue reading

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The Sun and the Missing Neutrinos

First of all, what is a neutrino?  It’s an elementary particle, like an electron or a photon, but it hardly interacts with matter.  In fact, billions of neutrinos pass through you every second, but you don’t feel them.  This characteristic makes them hard to detect.  It’s no wonder that, in recent history, scientists thought some […] Continue reading

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Many people are familiar with zodiac signs; as kids we often look at them for weekly, daily, or monthly advice from things ranging from crushes to personalities. Whether or not our zodiac sign determines who we are, the constellations they are based off on is entirely a reality. Each month, as the Earth moves around […] Continue reading

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The Zodiac Signs

Image link The zodiac signs surround a lot of peoples’ daily lives, in that most people look to a horoscope to direct their lives. The fact that the position of the stars at a certain time can tell so much about a person’s individual personality is absurd, yet we attribute personality traits to the constellations.… Continue reading

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Identity Crisis

I have, apparently, been living a lie. My entire life, I thought I was an Aquarius, yet I have recently come to learn that my astronomical Sun sign is off by nearly a month. Because of the phenomenon of precession (the work of the gravitational pull and the conservation of angular momentum to correct the […] Continue reading

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Identity Crisis

I have, apparently, been living a lie. My entire life, I thought I was an Aquarius, yet I have recently come to learn that my astronomical Sun sign is off by nearly a month. Because of the phenomenon of precession (the work of the gravitational pull and the conservation of angular momentum to correct the […] Continue reading

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“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C Clarke’s third law. I stumbled on a little thing I had posted some time ago, early in September when friendships were still tentative and the air was still crisp. -We spent the weekend in a cabin four dirt trails off the everyday. At night we cracked open … Continue reading magic Continue reading

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