Category Archives: Universe

Blog 1

The scale, and “end points” to our universe, is widely unknown. Because as humans have not ventured or seen any type of universe ending barrier, the question of infinity comes into play. One common assumption that a human naïve to the theories of astronomy would have is that the universe is never ending. This, however, […] Continue reading

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The Scale of the Universe (Post 1)

The universe is so massive that it can be difficult for humans to comprehend its scale, so I will break it down using something that we can easily understand. Earth is 1 AU (astronomical unit) from the sun or 150 million KM. If a human were travelling this distance in a car at 100 miles […] Continue reading

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Blog 1-Why the Cosmic Calendar is so interesting

By far one the most interesting aspect of understanding the cosmos for me revolved around the cosmic calendar. Essentially, The Cosmic Calendar takes the time span of the entire universe and condenses it into single year based on the calendar. Just like any other calendar year, time starts on January first and ends at 11:59 […] Continue reading

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Blog #1: Why is our neighborhood special?

But what about our place in the solar system makes life so conducive to earth? Why don’t we have cousins on Mars that we spend Thanksgiving with? Why doesn’t my uncle live on Venus? Continue reading

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Blog#1 Cosmic Calendar

I found the idea “Cosmic Calendar” particularly intriguing. Cosmic Calendar is a method to visualize the universe’s chronolUniverseling its currently understood age of 13.8 billion years to a single year (Therese). At this scale, there are 437.5 years per cosmic second, 1.575 million years per cosmic hour, and 37.8 million years per cosmic day (Therese). At this scale, on […] Continue reading

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Cosmic Calendar Explained

Birthday’s are one of the most significant days for humans, it signifies the day that we’re born, and became really apart of the universe. But do we know the universe’s birthday? when was the universe created? to answer that question astrophysicists have been able to figure out that the age of the universe since the […] Continue reading

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Cloudy with a Chance of Space Weather?

Damaged satellites and electrical blackouts, what do they have in common? they both are victims of space weather. Space weather is originated from activity on the Sun’s surface and has impacts from anywhere between the surface of the Sun to the surface of the Earth. But how does a weather storm travel from the Sun […] Continue reading

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Looking Back Over This Semester

I’ll begin this post by warning that it’s going to be a rather frank conversation about some mental health stuff. Nothing concerning or whatever, but I thought I’d put that out front.  Throughout this semester, I have struggled with my mental health. For me, this is mostly in the form of OCD, particularly obsessive thoughtContinue reading “Looking Back Over This Semester” Continue reading

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Culmination Reflection Post

After taking Astronomy 2110, not only has my perspective of our Solar System changed and widened, but also did my view on the universe as a whole. Perhaps one of the biggest eye-openers for me came near the beginning of the semester when we learned just how vast our Universe is as a whole. BeforeContinue reading “Culmination Reflection Post” Continue reading

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A New Hope (For Alien Life)

Astronomy 2110 has been a real pleasure of a class to attend. Not only have I learned so much about Earth, but also about the rest of the solar system. I have discovered the secrets of our planet, the planets that are our neighbors, and our incredible star that I would have never known ifContinue reading “A New Hope (For Alien Life)” Continue reading

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