Category Archives: Universe


Jupiter’s magnetosphere is generated thanks to a “metallic” layer of hydrogen around its core that is electrically conductive. Saturn also has “metallic,” electrically conductive hydrogen around its core, which enables it to have a magnetosphere as well. But the quotation marks? The answer is that metallic hydrogen isn’t a metal, in the traditional sense. First, […] Continue reading

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Pluto – Common Misconceptions

Image Source Pluto has long been a very mysterious planets to both scientists and the general population. Because of this, many misconceptions have risen throughout the years. In this blog post, I will cover a few of the most popular myths, both scientific and fun. Continue reading

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So what is a Black Hole?

by me A black hole is an astronomical object in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape from it, including light. The “surface” of a black hole is known as the event horizon. Black holes are undetectable by telescopes because no light can escape from them; However, they can be […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Telescope Industry

Telescope Industry Size Projection The astronomical telescope industry is experiencing a gradual yet significant rise, with a projected market size of USD 1,298.71 million by 2031. This growth is driven by several key drivers, including technological advancements, increased interest in astronomy, and applications in education and research. Technological integration, such as the incorporation of digital […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Interstellar Travel?

Whether you’re an astronomer, scientist, or in a completely unrelated field, the idea of interstellar travel probably intrigues you in some way. Why wouldn’t it? The universe is so grand and diverse that venturing outside of our solar system would likely yield fascinating results. There is only one problem: feasibility. With our current technologies, we […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Lander probes

Landing of Mars Perseverance Rover The lander probe is a fascinating feat of human engineering. These probes are designed to do a multitude of tasks in order to properly carry out their mission. Let’s work our way backwards. Lander probes, once on the surface of the targeted celestial body, are designed to gather a multitude […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Space Telescopes

Telescopes play a pivotal role in deepening our understanding of the universe. While many telescopes are positioned on Earth, those placed in space afford us a more profound insight into the universe. Stationed beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, space telescopes capture clearer images of the cosmos. The Earth’s atmosphere, which blurs images and only permits radio […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Our Sun and Nuclear Fusion

The sun releases energy through a remarkable process known as nuclear fusion, which unfolds under the extreme temperatures and densities found deep within its core. Unlike the nuclear fission reactions used on Earth, which split atomic nuclei to release energy, the sun’s energy is generated by combining smaller nuclei into larger, heavier ones. This fusion […] Continue reading

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Blog 4: Explaining Relativistic time dilation

Time seems to be one of the only immutable aspects of the universe, besides death and taxes. Many people believe that the passage of time is altogether unstoppable and unyielding. And for most intensive purposes, they are right. Indeed, time is our most precious resource and one that many of believe we have an extremely […] Continue reading

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Blog 3: Equilibrium and the stability of earth

The formation of Earth and its current sustainability as they only known life-sustaining body in the universe have been caused by a number of extremely specific conditions which combine to make our planet the only one on which life is known to thrive. In this post, I will survey two of the specific conditions on […] Continue reading

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