Black Holes and White Holes and Wormholes, Oh My!

They’re some of the most formidable entities in the universe: their strength is unmatched, they make their own rules, and if you get into a serious tussle with one, you’re almost guaranteed to lose.  No, I’m not talking about moms.  I’m talking about black holes, of course!  Duh…

If you’ve ever learned about astronomy, chances are you’ve bumped into the idea of a black hole, “a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light [cannot] get out,” (source).  As for why it’s called a “black hole”: we can’t see into it!  Because light cannot get out, the entity appears black.

In this blog post, I’m going to tell you about black holes and white holes and wormholes, oh my!  It’s enough to make Dorothy wish she could go back to Kansas even more…

Let’s start with some groundwork: every object with mass exerts a gravitational force on every other object with mass.  The larger an object’s mass, the larger the force of gravity it exerts on other objects.  If we pack tons and tons of mass together, we get an object that exerts huge gravitational forces on other objects, and if we pack all that mass into a small enough space, we get a singularity.  “In the center of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, a one-dimensional point which contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space, where density and gravity become infinite and space-time[*] curves infinitely, and where the laws of physics as we know them cease to operate,” (source).

In other words, singularities create “wells” in spacetime so deep that nothing – not even light (which is the fastest entity in the universe) – can escape.  We call those gravitational wells “black holes,” and we call the points of no return for those black holes their “event horizons” (after entering a black hole and passing its event horizon, nothing – including light – can escape the singularity’s gravitational pull).  And as you’ll recall, because light cannot escape from inside black holes’ event horizons, we can’t see inside black holes.

*Model of a singularity and black hole:

Note how spacetime curves (droops downward) as a result of the singularity’s gigantic mass – the singularity causes a huge gravitational well, and objects in space can fall into that well (and if they fall far enough inside – past the event horizon – they won’t be able to escape).  Also, note that this image depicts the warping of two-dimensional spacetime into the third dimension; in reality, black holes warp three-dimensional spacetime into the fourth dimension.  (If this talk of four dimensions doesn’t make sense, don’t worry too much about it yet.)  Image courtesy of The Physics of the Universe.

From where do we get the idea of black holes?  Einstein’s equations – the math for his Theory of Relativity – yield a solution suggesting the existence of black holes, such as those which form from the deaths and collapses of supermassive stars (source).  But is that all there is to his equations – i.e., are black holes the only implication of his theory?  As it turns out, no.  There’s another solution: white holes (source).

What are white holes?  According to Robert Matthews, a science writer for BBC’s Science Focus, “[a] white hole is a bizarre cosmic object which is intensely bright, and from which matter gushes rather than disappears.  In other words, it’s the exact opposite of a black hole,” (source).

Do white holes and black holes share anything in common?  According to PBS’ NOVA television series, “[a] white whole [sic] is, roughly speaking, the opposite of a black hole.  ‘A black hole is a place where you can go in but you can never escape; a white hole is a place where you can leave but you can never go back,’ says Caltech physicist Sean Carroll.  ‘Otherwise, [both share] exactly the same mathematics, exactly the same geometry.’  That boils down to a few essential features: a singularity, where mass is squeezed into a point of infinite density, and an event horizon, the invisible ‘point of no return’ first described mathematically by the German physicist Karl Schwarzschild in 1916.  For a black hole, the event horizon represents a one-way entrance; for a white hole, it’s exit-only,” (source).

This talk is all well and good, but do white holes actually exist?  According to astronomy author Fraiser Cain, “if white holes did exist, which they probably don’t, they would behave like reverse black holes – just like the math predicts.  Instead of pulling material inward, a white hole would blast material out into space like some kind of white chocolate fountain.  So generous, these white holes and their chocolate,” (source).

The takeaway: no, white holes probably don’t exist.  But do we no for sure?  Another no.  After all, it has been only approximately one hundred years since Einstein predicted black holes’ existence and only approximately fifty years since the first black hole was discovered (source).  So, is it possible white holes exist and we haven’t found them yet?  Yes.  But is that likely?  Probably not.

If they did exist, how would white holes appear?  According to science journalist Charlie Wood, “[t]o a spaceship crew watching from afar, a white hole looks exactly like a black hole.  It has mass.  It might spin.  A ring of dust and gas could gather around the event horizon – the bubble boundary separating the object from the rest of the universe.  But if they kept watching, the crew might witness an event impossible for a black hole – a belch.  ‘It’s only in the moment when things come out that you can say, ‘ah, this is a white hole,’’ said Carlo Rovelli, a theoretical physicist at the Centre de Physique Théorique in France,” (source).

What do we know so far?  To recap, black holes suck in matter, and white holes eject matter.  Black holes exist, but we don’t think white holes do.  But if they do exist, white holes will look just like black holes.

You’ll notice a similarity between black and white holes – all the magic happens at the event horizons.  For black holes, the event horizon is the point of no return, and for white holes, the event horizon is the point at which matter appears.  The similarity is striking, and it leads us to a simple question: could the matter coming out of white holes be the matter falling into black holes?

To answer this question, we first need to examine how black and white holes form: “[t]here is excellent evidence that black holes really exist, and astrophysicists have a robust understanding of what it takes to make one.  To imagine how a white hole might form, though, we have to go out on a bit of an astronomical limb.  One possibility involves a spinning black hole [moving in a way unique relative to how we expect most other black holes to spin].  According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the rotation smears the singularity into a ring, making it possible in theory to travel through the swirling black hole without being crushed,” (source).  From there, we can examine what would happen if someone were to enter a swirling black hole: “[g]eneral relativity’s equations suggest that someone falling into such a black hole could fall through a tunnel in space-time called a wormhole and emerge from a white hole that spits its contents into a different region of space or period of time.”.

So, in short, yes – the matter coming out of a white hole could, in fact, be the matter falling into a black hole, and that matter may go through what’s called a wormhole to travel from the black hole to the white hole.  Note that the wormhole is path through the fourth dimension** that matter would take to travel between the holes; the wormhole itself wouldn’t be a physical thing in space.

**We know space is three-dimensional (think about how you can move left and right (dimension number one), forward and backward (dimension number two), and jump up and down (dimension number three)).  Wormholes would let you travel through space via a special shortcut.  Simply, wormholes would take you through a higher dimension – the fourth dimension – thereby letting you bypass the “regular” distance you’d have to travel otherwise.  See the paragraph about Interstellar below (including the video clips) for more information.

Let’s look at another analogy, this one to describe the business of black holes, wormholes, and white holes all together: think about a subway station (let’s call it Station A).  Station A itself is a black hole, its train platform is the singularity (the platform warrants the station, just as singularities create black holes), and the part of the street hanging over the station’s stairs is the event horizon (that part of the street prevents others from seeing into Station A, just as event horizons prevent us from seeing into black holes – it’s all about blocking the view inside the station/ black hole).  After entering Station A and passing under overhanging street (read: after falling past the event horizon), you (read: matter falling into the black hole) are in the station (read: in the black hole).  You then wait for your train to arrive, and once it does, you get on and travel to Station Z (travel to another hole).  Think of the train as being a wormhole – it connects Station A (black hole) with Station Z (another hole).  Finally, you take stairs up and out of Station Z, returning to the world.  Now, we can clearly see that Station Z is not another black hole – it’s a white hole!  The train (the wormhole) connects Stations A and Z (connects the black and white holes).

To take the analogy one step further, we know Stations A and Z are part of a larger subway system – there are Stations C, D, E, X, Y, and everything in between (though not Station B; that was already taken by Vanderbilt’s post office).  We know Station A (black hole) connects with Station Z (white hole), but it’s also possible that Station A also connects with Stations X and Y (each a white hole).  For that matter, Stations C, D, and E (black holes) could also connect with Stations X, Y, and Z (white holes).  Or, maybe only Station C connects with Stations X, Y, and Z, leaving Stations D and E to connect with other white-hole stations (Stations P, Q, and R).  Or, maybe it’s a different combination of these black-hole stations and white-hole stations.  The takeaway: it’s possible that each black-hole station connects with only one white-hole station (i.e., the wormholes run in parallel… but don’t get bogged down by the directional meaning of “parallel” given that we’re talking about four dimensions), such as if Station A connects only with Station Z, Station B only with Station Y, etc.  It’s also possible that each black-hole station connects with more than one white-hole station (i.e., the wormholes intersect and can deliver matter to different  stations), such as if you could enter the subway system at Station A and exit at Station X, Y, or Z.  We just don’t know.  (Also, recall we don’t think white holes actually exist, so this is essentially just a big rabbit hole… and note that’s a type of hole distinct from black and white holes).

If you’ve ever seen the movie Interstellar, you may already have an understanding of all this, though it will be imperfect because the movie is not fully accurate in its depiction of this theory.  (Please note the remainder of this paragraph contains spoilers for the movie.)  As you’ll recall, our team of astronauts enters a wormhole by Saturn to travel to a distant part of space (click here to see that clip).  The visual effects are compelling, but remember that according to this theory, the astronauts would have traveled through a wormhole only after falling into a black hole – they could not have traveled through a shiny orb as depicted in the film given that wormholes are the subway trains, not the stations themselves (i.e., you can’t enter a wormhole directly).  Later in the movie, we have a marginally-better depiction of this travel: one of the characters falls into a black hole (click here to see that clip), and he later pops out right next to Saturn, where the original wormhole was (click here to see that clip).  To make sense of this part of the film, just think about the beginning and ending of his journey: falling into the black hole and reappearing by Saturn (where there would actually have existed a white hole connected with that black hole).  Because the clips are from a Hollywood movie and not a science documentary, it’s an imperfect depiction of the theory, but it nonetheless is helpful in trying to understand the idea.

Though I just said it, it’s worth repeating: this black-hole-wormhole-white-hole idea is just a theory.  And like all good theories, it has competition: “some theorists think that a combination of Einstein’s theory and quantum theory points to a new way of thinking about white holes.  Instead of being the ‘exit’ from a wormhole, they may be a slow-motion replay of the formation of the original black hole.  The process starts when an old massive star collapses under its own weight and forms a black hole[.]  …  But then, quantum effects occurring around the surface of the black hole halt further collapse to a singularity, and instead begin to gradually turn the black hole into a white hole that’s spewing out the original star matter again.  The process is mind-bendingly slow, though, so we may be in for a very long wait to find out if white holes really exist,” (source).  So, could the matter coming out of white holes be the matter falling into black holes?  Maybe.  Could it actually be the original star matter that formed the black hole?  Also maybe.  Does any of this really matter given that we doubt white holes exist in the first place?  I’ll let you decide.

There are lots of takeaways from all this, with my favorite being the following: we don’t know everything about the theories we claim to understand (or understand mostly, at least).  We can grasp the Theory of Relativity and what it tells us about black holes, but we lose some of that grasp when it comes to understanding the alternate suggestion of white holes, a mathematical solution we don’t think exists in reality (recall that Einstein’s equations can be solved in such a way as to suggest the existence of black holes – which exist – and white holes – which probably don’t exist).  Ultimately, though, I don’t believe that alternate, likely-false solution diminishes our understanding of relativity and black holes; it just adds a bit of nuanced flavor.  In other words, taking together the black and white holes illuminates just how much gray area there is.

What’s your takeaway from all this?

In addition to Interstellar, here’s a bonus example of black holes in pop culture:

Superman holding a black hole in his hand.  Image courtesy of Comic Vine.

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Historical Views of Comets

According to NASA, comets are “frozen leftovers from the formation of the solar system composed of dust, rock and ices.  They range from a few miles to tens of miles wide, but as they orbit closer to the sun, they heat up and spew gases and dust into a glowing head that can be larger than a planet.  This material forms a tail that stretches millions of miles.”  Some can easily be seen from Earth (with the naked eye!).

Today, thanks to our advanced technology, we’re able to identify lots of information about comets: where they originate, when their travels will bring them by Earth, their compositions, and more.  Earlier in history, though, societies did not have the same technology we do, making them unable to understand comets as thoroughly.  In this post, I will outline what certain societies thought of comets before we came to understand the science behind them.


The Greeks and Romans considered comets to be signals, indicating good or bad events had just occurred or would occur shortly (source).  For example, “[t]he arrival of a comet could herald the birth of a great figure, and some people have even argued that the star in the sky which the Persian Magi followed to Bethlehem to see the newborn Jesus [the Star of Bethlehem*] was actually a comet.”  Furthermore, the Romans believed “a fiery comet marked the assassination of Julius Caesar, and another was blamed for the extreme bloodshed during the battle between Pompey and Caesar,” (source).

*To learn more about the astronomy behind the Star of Bethlehem, refer to this article and this lecture by Professor David Weintraub.


According to ancient Babylonia’s “Epic of Gilgamesh,” described by Wikipedia as being “the earliest surviving notable literature and the second oldest religious text,” a comet would arrive at Earth and bring “fire, brimstone, and flood” (source).  Though it seems the Babylonians may have feared comets, they did not constantly live in that fear: “a recent study of ancient cuneiform texts has proven that the Babylonian ability to track comets, planetary movements and sky events as far back as the first millennium BC[E] involved a much more complex geometry than had been previously believed,” (source).


According to ancient Mongolian legend, comets were called “the daughter of the devil” and were thought of as warning “of destruction, storm and frost” (source).


After witnessing “earthquakes, illnesses, red rain, and even the births of two-headed animals,” the Swiss blamed Halley’s Comet for their unfavorable experiences (source).


Similar to the Swiss, the English blamed Halley’s Comet when life went awry.  Notably, they blamed the comet “for bringing the Black Death” (source).


Eventually, “[c]omets and disaster became so intertwined that Pope Calixtus III even excommunicated Halley’s Comet as an instrument of the devil, and a meteorite, from a comet, became enshrined as one of the most venerated objects in all of Islam,” (source).


Unfavorable views of comets weren’t constrained to Europe: in South America, the Inca also did not believe comets were positive omens.  For example, they believed a comet “foreshadowed Francisco Pizarro’s arrival just days before he brutally conquered them” (source).

Thanks to modern science, we’ve come to understand the exact nature of comets, and we know they aren’t omens to be feared.  Nonetheless, it can be fun to indulge ourselves in the limited knowledge of the past – if you lived before modern science elucidated the nature of comets, what would you have thought about them?  Would you have feared them (as did all the aforementioned societies), or would you have thought they were nothing more than interesting astronomical phenomena?

Comet NEOWISE over the Golden Gate Bridge in California (2020).  Image courtesy of Bay Nature.

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Kuiper Belt Objects (woah)

Was I the only one who thought that only the 8 main planets that everyone knows about + Pluto and a couple other dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets here or there were the only things that orbited our sun? Yeah well, I am very wrong, and if you thought that too, so are you :0. The Kuiper Belt is the huge area of space typically beyond Neptune’s orbit, and is approximately 50 AU from the sun. The objects that dwell in the Kuiper Belt are called KBOs, and NASA has catalogued and documented over 2,000 KBOs, but they believe that number is only representative of a fraction of the total number of objects in the belt. The objects in the Kuiper Belt are thought to be mainly made up of comets, dwarf planets, icy objects and dust. What is even crazier is the fact that scientists believe that the Kuiper Belt used to be home to a lot more KBOs. According to NASA, the Kuiper Belt is ever-eroding itself away, as sometimes objects impact one another, and turn into smaller KBOs that go on to become comets or are blown away from solar wind. That’s crazy right! So many other objects orbit our sun besides the 8 planets everyone knows about! But wait…. it gets even better. Beyond the Kuiper Belt, there is another region of space called the Oort Cloud, which is home to many of the same objects as the Kuiper Belt. Unlike the Kuiper Belt which is a disk, the Oort Cloud is more like a sphere that encapsulates all of the solar system, and is estimated to extend as far as 200,000 AU in all directions from the sun! Now guess how many objects are in the Oort Cloud? No one really knows, because no one has actually ever seen the Oort Cloud, but scientists estimate around 10^12 objects are currently in the Oort Cloud orbiting our sun. That’s 10,000,000,000,000 (10 trillion) objects :0. Looks like our solar system is home to a lot more than Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and a couple extra dwarf planets, asteroids, and comets here or there…. The sun is so popular, trillions of objects want to feel its warmth and call it home. What are your guys’ thoughts on this topic, I think it’s super interesting!

By National School Observatory
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Cassini-Huygens Mission

Source: NASA

Cassini-Huygens was a solar system mission that explored Saturn and its surroundings, such as its rings, satellites, and moons. The spacecraft was launched from Earth on October 15, 1997. On the way to Saturn, the spacecraft flew by Venus, Earth, the asteroid belt, and Jupiter. Cassini was active for 20 years and spent 13 years in Saturn’s orbit. The Cassini space probe was the first to enter Saturn’s orbit; in the end, it completed 294 orbits of the planet. The Cassini space probe was named after astronomer Giovanny Cassini, who was the first to discover four of Saturn’s moons: Iapetus, Rhea, Tethys, and Dione. It traveled a total of 4.9 billion miles and took 453,048 pictures. The Huygens lander was sent onto the surface of Titan; it was named after astronomer Christiaan Huygens. Huygens parachuted down to the surface of Titan on January 14, 2005. It was the first landing on any outer solar system world and the first landing on any moon in the solar system besides Luna. Astronomers were surprised to see the data from the Huygens lander, which revealed that Titan is one of the most Earth-like worlds ever observed. On September 15, 2017, Cassini burned up after it intentionally reached Saturn’s upper atmosphere. The death of the probe was intentional in order to prevent contamination of a potentially habitable moon. Overall, the Cassini-Huygens mission was a “mission of firsts”. In addition to the “firsts” already mentioned above, it was the first mission to sample an extraterrestrial ocean. Cassini-Huygens massive success in returning groundbreaking information about Saturn’s systems, including its rings and moons, the entire outer solar system, and even where life could potentially be in the solar system. Also, the discoveries made from this mission have informed other quests to understand our solar system. Comment below the most interesting thing about Cassini-Huygens in your opinion!

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Asteroid Mining

An mockup of asteroid mining

Asteroids are failed planetesimals made up of rock and metals, some of which may be valuable such as platinum, silver, and gold. Around 8% of the asteroids in the asteroid belt are ones full of precious metals. Some platinum heavy asteroids may contain 175 times the amount of platinum mined yearly on Earth. For this reason, a lot of people fantasize about the idea of asteroid mining, or gathering the precious metals from asteroids and bringing them back down to Earth. Starting around 2012, companies such as Planetary Resources (created for asteroid mining) were starting to raise money for the asteroid mining endeavor. However, these companies soon gave up their dream for a multitude of reasons. The biggest one was funding, as it’s hard to receive funding for something that will take decades to come to fruition. Another one was that since it has never been done before, there is no precedent set. As of now, it seems like asteroid mining is a thing of the far future. Would you invest in the endeavor?

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Europa is one of Jupiter’s Galilean moons, however, it is much more than that. Scientists believe that out of everywhere in our solar system, Europa is the most likely place to have life besides on Earth! Scientists are pretty confident that under Europa’s ice water surface is an ocean that may have twice as much water as Earth’s. Scientists also think that the necessary chemicals for life are present in Europa’s ocean. They are hoping to get a sample eventually by doing a flyby and gathering the ocean that can be ejected from plumes on Europa’s surface. The one thing necessary for life besides liquid water and the required chemicals would be an energy source, which has not yet been found on Europa. If life were to be found on Europa, this would give us a better idea of how easily life forms if a space object has the requirements! Do you think that Europa has life?

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The Death Star

Saturn is the mooniest planet in our Solar System, with us having discovered over 80 of them. While many moons have interesting features, only one of them look like they could destroy Alderaan. Say hello to the moon Mimas, which as you may notice, looks a bit familiar.

That’s right, Mimas look like the Death Star from Star Wars. While the entire surface of the moon is riddled with craters (meaning the world is quite old), the 80 mile diameter Herschel Crater is without a doubt its most defining feature. It is thought that the impactor responsible for this crater nearly tore the world apart. In fact, there are fractures on the opposite side of the surface, demonstrating the intensity of the impact. The myriad of craters also implies the world to be frozen, which is a bit puzzling, as the position of the moon suggests to scientists that there would be a great bit of tidal heating, which would result in a warmer world. This paradox has led to the “Mimas Test,” which requires that any theory that explains the partially thawed water of the moon Enceladus (a moon near Mimas) must also explain the entirely frozen water of Mimas. The exact reason for the conditions of Mimas are still unclear, but as you may know, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural…

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Caroline Herschel

Many are familiar with William Herschel, the man accredited with discovering Uranus, but lesser known is his sister: Caroline Herschel. Born March 16, 1750, Caroline Herschel was the first female professional astronomer. Growing up, Caroline’s mother did not support Caroline’s pursuit of an education. As a result, Caroline largely relied on her brother to learn math, science, and other academic subjects. Using this knowledge, Caroline went on to become the first woman to discover a comet (1786). In addition to her comet discovery, within her lifetime she also catalogued 560 stars and 2,500 nebulae. She also played a significant role in aiding with William’s calculations that led to discovery of Uranus. Despite this, she is often left out of acknowledgements. At age 77, she was awarded a gold medal from the Astronomical society.

Caroline Herschel - Wikipedia
A portrait of Caroline Herschel, via Wikipedia

Some lesser known details about Caroline include that she never grew past 4’3″ due to getting typhus at age 10. Additionally, her and her brother worked as musicians before becoming involved with astronomy. Despite such significant contributions to science, as with many other historical female figures, she is often left out of textbooks due to her status as “not a white male”. Have you previously heard of Caroline Herschel? In what ways does overlooking female scientists affect us today?

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The Death of Cassini

The Cassini Spacecraft was designed to explore Saturn and its many rings and moons. It launched from Earth in 1997, beginning its 7-year journey to the outer solar system. Upon arrival, it released the Huygens Probe – the first object of our own creation to land in the outer solar system. This probe landed on Saturn’s moon Titan, and along with Cassini revealed the presence of bodies of liquid methane on its surface. Cassini had been providing us with astonishing discoveries like this for more than 10 years. In 2017, it finally ran out of energy, but had enough left for one grand finale.

Saturn, by Cassini

Cassini’s final task was a series of over 20 dives through space between Saturn and its rings – a never before explored region. These dives allowed for scientists to uncover several new pieces of information, including the age of Saturn’s relatively young rings. It is estimated they were formed around 10-100 million years ago, which means they could have formed when dinosaurs walked the Earth. After this, Cassini was ready to end.

To avoid possible contamination of Saturn’s moons, Cassini was sent into the surface of Saturn to be destroyed. On its final orbit, September 15th, 2017, Cassini flew into the planet, pointing its antenna back towards Earth to give us its final transmission before becoming part of Saturn itself. A beautiful end to a historic mission.

The Death of Cassini, Artist’s Concept
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Meteorites are fascinating. As we learned in class, a meteor is a flash of light caused by a particle of dust or rock entering Earth’s atmosphere at a high speed. But, a meteorite is a meteor that survives its drop through the atmosphere and reaches Earth’s surface. In terms of discovering meteorites, there is a subtle distinction in the language, similar to that of meteor vs. meteorite. Meteorite falls are meteorites that are collected soon after the fall is witnessed, while meteorite finds are those rocks that are discovered at a later time. Ernst Chladni was a German physicist who is referred to by some as the father of meteoritics because he was the first in modern times to publish his idea that meteorites are rocks from space (in 1794). Prior to Chladni’s modern theory, there had been loose documentation of meteorite falls. One of the most ancient records of a meteorite fall was the Aegospotami meteorite in 467 BC. Nowadays, there are usually around half a dozen falls annually. Meteorites are commonly categorized by material: iron meteorites (around 4.4% of discovered meteorites), stony-iron meteorites (around 1% of discovered meteorites), and stony meteorites (around 94.6% of discovered meteorites). Finally, I’ll leave y’all with some sources to explore meteorites. This Wikipedia page has a record of many meteorite falls. This database, from The Meteoritical Society, has a search feature that allows you to filter for various variables and search for meteorites. And this is a three-minute video of some really cool meteorite falls. Drop some more links below in the comments if you find any on your own!

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