Introduction Post

Image by me

Hi everyone! My name is Michelle and I am a freshman majoring in Computer Science and Economics. I can’t wait to learn more about astronomy! This is a picture I took of Marina Bay Sands and the Gardens by the Bay Supertrees during my trip to Singapore last year. Here is a link to one of my favorite pastimes, the Countries of the World Quiz.

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Brandon Lipper Introduction

by me

Hi! My name is Brandon and I’m from LA. I am a sophomore at Vanderbilt majoring in Medicine, Health, and Society. I’m excited to learn about the solar system! 🙂 I am hyperlinking the NY Jets page on ESPN because I’m a big fan.

ESPN NY Jets page

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Introductory Post

Hi everybody, I’m Connor Robb-Wilcox and I’m a freshman from Salt Lake City, UT. I am currently undecided but am planning on studying Economics with a Business minor.

Here is a description of the award I’m holding in the picture:

<a href=”“>Annual Awards</a>

Me at the Utah Tennis Award Ceremony
by me
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Picture by me (I am the second from the right)

Hey, this my introductory blog post. I am currently a sophomore at Vanderbilt University studying in the College of Arts and Science, and planning to major in Econ. I’m looking forward to exploring our solar system and learning more interesting information through this course. Also, here’s a link to spacex, because it seems relevant.

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Picture by me

Hey guys! My name is Jeff Zheng and I’m a current freshman planning to major in Economics and possibly/hopefully something else as well by the end of my undergrad. While I have never taken an astronomy course before, I’m super excited to learn about our Solar System through this class. Anyway here’s the link for an 11-foot teddy bear for your special someone.

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Introductory Post

Hello everyone! This is my introductory post for my blog page “Angella Astronomy”. I am a first year planning to major in HOD and minor in Spanish and business but look forward to an exciting semester by diving into The Solar Systems in ASTR2110. Also…enjoy my lacrosse highlights HERE

Playing Lacrosse Freshman Year


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Introduction Blog

Hi I am Joe Gobillot. I am a Senior, and I am majoring in Economics. I am excited to expand my knowledge of Astronomy because I feel like its important to at least semi-understand our place in this universe. Here’s a cool picture of the Sun.

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Get to Know the Author: Introduction Post

Hi everyone! My name is Lauryn and I’m and freshmen at Vanderbilt University. Though I’m currently undecided, I’m thinking about majoring in Earth and Environmental Sciences. I find the idea of space and the study of planets super interesting so I’m very excited to learn more about astronomy. Here’s a link to learn more about astronomy. I also added a picture of Florida to represent me since it’s where I’m from.

Picture via Kiplinger

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My hometown

Source: Wikipedia

My name is Ben, and I am from the Chicago area. I figured this picture is representative of me because Chicago is very close to my hometown, and this flag is also my favorite flag.

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Introduction Post

By me. Hyperlink

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