Better Than All Social Media

About a month ago, my roommate and I decided to download this app called Spaceflight Simulator. We both really like space and thought we would give it a try. We both used to play this game called Into Space, when we were younger and while that one was fun, it did appeal to younger kids though so it wasn’t super accurate. So we thought we would give this one a try. And this new game we found is so cool and surprisingly really accurate.

Video from Steam

This game is awesome! It uses realistic physics when launching and navigating your rocket through space. You have to take things into account like weight, thrust, drag, friction, collisions, fuel, if your spacecraft is getting too hot, all of the things engineers actually have to worry about but without the risk. There are a few objectives in the game like land on the moon, make it 25km out of the atmosphere and such but you can really just play around with different rocket designs if that’s more of your jam. The distances to different planets are accurate, and because of that they add a speed up time feature. Because we can’t get to the moon very quickly, they allow for you to speed up the process of your travel. All the trajectories and fuel loss and everything stays consistent but you don’t have to leave your phone on for three days to get to the moon. The planets also travel in orbit so you have to predict where they’re going to be and where you’re going to be at the time you want to land on it. I will say landing is the hardest thing to do. Maybe I’m just bad, but I’ve crashed into the moon about a thousand times, I can’t slow down fast enough to actually make a stable landing. I love this game and I think anyone who likes space should give it a shot. It’s free on the app store and I find myself playing this in between classes to see if I can actually land on the moon properly. Maybe one day.

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Blog 8: Why Try?

Humanity is constantly being humbled by nature on our very own planet, not to mention the vast expanse of the cosmos. The fastest thing we have ever created, the Parker Solar Probe, was clocked at 330,000 miles per hour in 2020, as it orbited around the sun at an absolutely breakneck pace. Parker’s speed constitutes a pathetic 0.05% of the speed of light. The Parker Space probe also got incredibly close to the sun, coming within a mere 6.5 million miles of the sun! This is over 27 times the distance between the Earth and our moon. That doesn’t seem too close, after all.

A vector model of the Parker Solar Probe. Courtesy of NASA.

The forces of the universe exceed anything we have build, and will probably exceed anything we ever will build. So, why do we keep on looking? Why are we looking for life on planets we may never be able to travel to during our species’ lifetime. Why do we try to get closer and closer to the sun if we’re only going to shave off little units of distance and possibly the never reach the surface. Why are we exploring extraterrestrial possibilities for life when we can’t even resolve our own climate issues, never mind travel anywhere near light speed? Why don’t we just give up, and resign ourselves to our cosmic insignificance?

Throughout this class, I’ve come to learn that exploring stuff is fun. People like to divide things (and especially academic subjects), into the useful and the impractical. Many will say much of philosophy is useless, because it only overcomplicates a world we could never possibly understand. Why does an entire discipline need to serve only one purpose? What if the point isn’t to understand the world, but instead to think about interesting things? The same can be said of essentially all astronomical discovery. The United States didn’t launch Apollo 11 into space to become the gods of the universe. Rather, America launched Apollo to understand just a little more about our universe. The point of astronomical discovery, or any realm of scientific advancement, should never be to surpass nature. We should not attempt to understand nature entirely. But we should try to learn just a little more about the universe. And maybe, someday far in the future, we might just do something that the universe can look at with a fond smile.

Over the course of this class, I’ve accumulated what feels like a lot more knowledge about our situation in our own solar system and the Milky Way galaxy. But in the grand scheme of things, I’ve probably only understood a tiny bit more about our universe over these past four (or so) months. And that’s fine. If we gradually learn just a little bit more, we will find ourselves with a good amount of knowledge over an extended period of time. Thank you all for coming along on this learning experience with me!

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Drake Equation

After watching a ton of Sci-Fi movies and hearing just how big the universe is, you start to wonder if we are really the only things out here in space. The universe is so massive that there has to be something else out there. Right? We can’t say for sure because we haven’t searched all across the universe but we can make approximations based on the things we do know. Below is the equation to make the approximation, called the Drake Equation.

Image by NASA

The Drake Equation takes all we know about intelligent life in our galaxy and uses it to approximate the likelihood of intelligent life in other galaxies. It starts with the formation of stars and the fraction of those stars with planetary systems around them. It then goes into how many of those planets can sustain life like Earth can. And it keeps going into the specifics of life and if it can live on the planet, if it is intelligent life, and if they have developed communication and if so, for how long. If you input all of these factors into the Drake equation you will come out with a very small number, which makes sense. Even just looking in our solar system, our planet is the only one with any type of life that we know of on it. We have theories to suspect there is life on other planets like Europa or Mars, but those life forms aren’t intelligent like ours. Those are more microbial forms of life. Overall, the Drake equation is a good way to try and approximate if there are other life forms like ours. With a calculation this complex, it is pretty much impossible to get a definite answer so the approximations serve as a good substitute.

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Visualizing Exoplanet s

Robert Hurt and Tim Pyle’s illustration of what TRAPPIST-1 may look like!

The subject of my blog 5 post was the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system. While learning about this system of extrasolar planets, I was fascinated by the  illustrations of exoplanets that can’t be photographed by telescopes.

Tim Pyle and Robert Hurt are two artists who create renderings of exoplanets by using data about an exoplanet’s size, mass, and star temperature to create the images. Although they work off of limited data, the illustrations are about more than scientific accuracy. They help bridge the gap between the complexities of the data and the general public who may be curious about exoplanets and space exploration. There is an idea that these illustrations should be viewed as hypotheses that invite the public to engage with the possibilities of what exoplanets might look like. Some would argue against creating illustrations that could possibly be inaccurate, but I think they make learning about exoplanets more exciting and accessible to everyone.

On illustrating the TRAPPIST-1 system, Pyle said: “Having this wide range of seven planets actually let us illustrate almost the whole breadth of what would be plausible.” Illustrating TRAPPIST-1 was a collaborative effort between Hurt, Pyle, and the scientists who discovered the system. This article details some of the challenges the team encountered along the way and how they resolved them. It was fascinating to read about how a team of artists and scientists used their respective expertise to create data based illustrations!

Tim Pyle’s illustration of the surface of the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1f
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Blog 7: The Fermi Paradox

Many scientists have theorized that we are not alone in the universe. Indeed, there are many scenarios that should lend themselves to the existence of life. The conditions inherent in theoretical models that have been developed to explain Earth’s formation and subsequent development of life exist elsewhere. Not only do they exist, but they appear in relative abundance.

Even within our own solar system, there exist several Jovian moons that harbor conditions that could be conducive to extremophile life. The methane rivers of Titan and the potential subsurface oceans of three of Jupiter’s moons: Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, harbor conditions that could very well allow life to thrive.

A model of Europa’s interior, including the existence of a potential subsurface ocean. Courtesy of NASA/JPL.

Outside of our solar system, scientists have detected 200 “terrestrial” exoplanets (explain what this means) and 1,691 “Super Earth” exoplanets. Extrapolated observations from the Kepler space telescope indicated that there may be as many as 40 billion Earth-sized planets in a companion star’s habitable zone.

But we have yet to find any life outside of Earth. We have searched vigorously; but we have found absolutely nothing. Why? 1938 Physics Nobel laureate Enrico Fermi supposedly posed such a question in 1950 in casual conversation with some of his physicist friends. Ever since, the apparent contradiction between the absolute lack of observed advanced extraterrestrial life and the ample conditions for its existence have borne Fermi’s name as the Fermi paradox.

If the only life that exists elsewhere is archetypically similar to that on Earth (meaning that it is also composed of DNA, responds to environmental stimuli, reproduces, and so on) then other worlds resemble Earth in crucial aspects (such as mass, density, atmospheric composition, etc.) should be those that harbor life. If we are looking at only Earth-like worlds, we can frame the Fermi paradox as a competition between two theories: the mediocrity principle and the Rare Earth hypothesis.

The mediocrity principle suggests that life on Earth is not particularly special and that the chemical elements that make up life, and even the complex combination of features that make Earth habitable, are highly unlikely to have occurred only once, especially in our vast cosmic plane. Adherents to this theory include physicist Stephen Hawking, who said that “the human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate size planet, orbiting round a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a billion galaxies.”

Opposing this theory is the Rare Earth hypothesis, which argues that Earth’s situation is the result of an incredible number of improbable coincidences that are prerequisites for the formation of life. Both the mediocrity principle and Rare Earth hypothesis serve as “answers” to the Fermi paradox, but whether or not you believe them is based upon your understanding of human understanding and your belief in the expansion of our knowledge’s horizons.

Both approaches have their respective flaws. The mediocrity principle confidently asserts the existence of completely unverified life elsewhere on a self-admittedly incomplete body of evidence. On the other hand, the Rare Earth hypothesis restricts its predictive capacity by limiting itself only to the highly specific conditions which formed itself, possibly discounting a large number of otherwise habitable planets which could potentially harbor extraterrestrial life.

But ultimately, there exists only one solution to the Fermi paradox. We either find extraterrestrial life, or we die trying.

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NASA’s Astrobiology Program

Astrobiologists at NASA use data from many NASA missions to study the possibility of life on other worlds. Here are a few ways they use data from other missions to support the NASA Astrobiology Program: 

Chandra X-ray Observatory  

Artist rendition of the Chandra telescope in orbit

The Chandra X-ray Observatory is a telescope that detects emission from extremely hot regions of space (exploded stars, galaxy clusters, etc.). Astrobiologists use data from Chandra to study the conditions of planetary system formation. This gives insight into the distribution of radiation and how that may contribute to the habitability of planets.

Habitable-Zone Planet Finder (HPF)

Telescopes at the McDonald Observatory at UT Austin

The HPF provides researchers with high-precision measurements of infrared signals from stars close to us. The HPF’s precision may help detect habitable planets near cool stars. This can help advance the astrobiology program’s goal of finding planets with climates/conditions that can sustain liquid water on their surfaces.

Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE)

Artist rendition of the JUICE mission

NASA partnered with the  European Space Agency (ESA) for the JUICE mission, collecting data on Jupiter and observing Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa. This will help astrobiologists study how habitable planets may form near jovian ones. Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa have become targets for astrobiologists to study because of the possibility that liquid water under their icy surfaces could be habitable for life.

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Blog 7 – Extremophiles


Extremophiles are organisms, usually microbacteria, that can survive in extreme environments. These environments are characterized by conditions uninhabitable to humans. The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, is iconic for its bright, seemingly unnatural colors. However, these colors are a result of extremophiles, specifically, thermophiles! Thermophiles are classified as “heat-loving” organisms, and are one of many common types of extremophiles. There are also acidophiles (acid-loving), anaerobes (oxygen-hating), halophiles (salt-loving), and many more!

Extremophiles are frequently used as proof for the probability of life on other planets. If there are organisms that can thrive in conditions unimaginable to humans, there must be life on other worlds that we would never expect. For instance, probability of acidophiles living on Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, due to it’s high volcanic activity and sulfuric acids.

Extremophiles are fascinating creatures, and give us hope for life in the universe beyond our own!

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The End of the Universe

One of the more morbid questions that astronomers have debated over the last few decades has been the possibility of the end of the universe. With the widespread acceptance of a model of the universe that is in some way finite, there are questions about how the state of that universe could change over time. There are largely two options given the state of astrophysics, depending on the relative sizes of the forces of dark energy and gravity.

The first that was originally popularized was the “Big Crunch”, a sort of reverse big bang. This was rather romantic, as it provided a nice sort of symmetry, and also inspired thoughts of the crunch resulting in a new big bang, thus creating the possibility of an infinitely recreated universe. In this model, the forces of gravity eventually overwhelm the expansion of the universe, causing it to shrink in on itself, accelerating inward until all mass ends up in a singular point, the crunch.

The second is the “big rip”, or the “big freeze”. In this model, the forces causing the expansion of the universe are never reversed by gravity, and the finite amount of energy in the universe causes all matter eventually to be torn away from itself. This was called the “big freeze” because it means that all matter will eventually be isolated, unable to interact with all other matter, meaning the universe would eventually enter a static state, with each particle eternally separated from every other.

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Historical Astronomers in Context— Galileo

Picture of Galileo

Galileo (February 15, 1564 – January 8, 1642) made major strides in the argument for heliocentrism, observing sunspots and the phases of Venus, two pieces of information that seemed to point to the imperfection of the celestial world and that the Sun was the gravitational center of the Solar System about which all the planets orbited. 

With his observations of sunspots, he was able to argue that the Sun was changing and therefore could not be made of ether (Aristotelian idea), meaning that the Solar System was imperfect. This poked a major hole in the argument of the Catholic Church who believed in geocentrism because Christian principles were steeped in the ideas of Aristotle and Plato who held the view that the celestial world was perfect. 

Observing the phases of Venus was also impactful in his argument for heliocentrism because the phases only made sense with a heliocentric model of the universe. Venus can go through phases from our perspective because it is between the Earth and the Sun. 

Galileo had major cultural and religious impact on the world, arguing that true theologians should work to marry Science and Scripture, and that if the Church did not embrace new Science, people would start to use it as an argument for atheism or belief in a different god once Science caught up and disproved geocentric views. While Ptolemy’s model saved face for the Church during his life, Galileo argued in his infamous letter to the Grand Duchess Christina that it would be disproven, and the Church should respond to this with open arms instead of suppression, as suppression would cause Science and the Church to become even more split. 

Two Major Events

1. First permanent North American European settlement 

    Jamestown, Virginia was settled by the English in 1607 during Galileo’s lifetime.

    2. Don Quixoteone of the most famous works of literature of all time, was published.

    This work was published in the early part of the 1600’s, and it remains one of the most popular works of literature in European history. 

    Two Famous People

    1. William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)

    Shakespeare is widely regarded as the most accomplished playwright of all time, and he lived during Galileo’s lifetime. He is responsible for works such as Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet.

    2. René Descartes (1596 – 1650)

    Descartes was one of the most famous philosophers of the Scientific Revolution. He wrote one of the most concrete justifications for first principles (not-so-fun fact: Al-Ghazali did it first, and though there is not sufficient evidence to say that Descartes had access to his work, their arguments are similar but Al-Ghazali was marginalized by a Eurocentric mindset in Science and Philosophy), proving self-existence by the presence of first-person perspective. 


    I enjoyed this homework assignment because I was able to combine my notes from several different classes, not even having to look things up because I had studied these people/events in greater detail in other classes. I have been keenly interested in Galileo since I took professor Weintraub’s class on the trial of Galileo, so it was fun to talk about him and see what other famous people/events occurred at the same time. It is interesting to think about the fact that René Descartes would have had a much smaller impact on the world if Galileo had not done what he did, as it kickstarted the Scientific Revolution and shifted the center of Science from the Church to its own practice. 

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    Blog 8 – ASTRONOMY!!!

    My favorite astronomy image!

    In this blog post, I will give an overview of my experience in astronomy so far, and what I am excited about in the future.

    I have found ways to integrate astronomy in many conversations. My favorite example is when I related the world of astronomy to a concept that came up during an investment banking interview. The interviewer was shocked about how in depth I went into the threshold regarding the creation of jovian vs. terrestrial planets.

    In the future, I want to dive deep into the telescope industry. In some of my earlier blog posts, I discussed companies that are creating highly powered telescopes, larger and stronger than anything we have seen before.

    I also want to read more about new black holes that are discovered and what their implications are on our existing understanding of the universe. I recently read about Gaia BH3, a black hole that was recently discovered.

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