Earth’s atmosphere is conducive to life in a way other terrestrial worlds’ atmospheres are not.
This is because of the greenhouse effect, which keeps Earth warm and allows water to exist in its liquid form. Other planets such as Mercury which do not have an atmosphere or the greenhouse effect are extremely hot during the day and frigid at night. Earth, however, has a much more regulated temperature because of its atmospheric composition, which is conducive to the greenhouse effect.
The sun gives off energy that warms the Earth, mostly in the form of visible light. This energy is absorbed by Earth’s surface and some is reflected back into space as infrared light (planets are not hot enough to emit visible light). Greenhouse gasses such as water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide absorb and reemit these infrared photons. Emitted photons are absorbed by other greenhouse gas molecules and then reemitted.The escape of infrared light into space is slowed and this passing around of the molecules heats the atmosphere. It’s interesting to consider that though Earth’s atmosphere is made mostly of nitrogen and oxygen, the small proportion of greenhouse gases still has a meaningful impact on temperature regulation. On the other hand, Venus has a much stronger greenhouse effect than Earth because it has a much larger portion of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, in its atmosphere. Venus is scorching hot all of the time because of its greenhouse effect. Earth is not as hot because its atmosphere has a smaller composition of greenhouse gases.
Do you think the daytime and nighttime temperatures would be more different for a planet with a greenhouse effect or without a greenhouse effect?