Tag Archives: blog8

Black Holes Eating Stars, Get Hungrier

The content of this post is based from an article on Space.com titled, “A Hungry Black Hole Devoured a Star, and Its ‘Burp’ Revealed How It Chowed Down”. So, yeah, this is about to be exciting. In the cataclysmic event known as ASASSN-14li, a star passed too close to a black hole. The enormous gravity … Continue reading Black Holes Eating Stars, Get Hungrier Continue reading

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How to Become an Astronaut

    It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No it’s… the end of the semester? Well, I guess you heard it here first. This is going to be the last blog of the semester. I’ll even let you choose the topic since it’s the last time we’ll be together. I’ll give you three choices: How […] Continue reading

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No Mars After All?

Humans have long dreamt to venture to Mars, and NASA fueled those dreams, especially in recent years. With the Space … More Continue reading

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Blog 8 – Life on Enceladus?

Several Jovian moons are candidates for extraterrestrial life.  One of these is Enceladus, a medium-sized moon of Saturn.  Like Europa, there is strong evidence for a subsurface ocean, which is likely 30-40 kilometers below the moon’s surface, and then extends down another 30 kilometers.  Due to the suspected ocean’s thickness, it is more likely that […] Continue reading

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Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole?

In a black hole, spacetime is curved infinitely. Light cannot escape. Black holes have fascinated mankind for years, but what would happen if you actually reached the event horizon? What would happen if you fell into a black hole? It’s likely you would be pulverized by other objects, burn via light radiation, experience spaghettification, or … Continue reading Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole? Continue reading

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Alien Life Closer to Home

Although intelligent life has yet to make its debut for us, extraterrestrial life may be a little closer that we typically think of- specifically Martian life.  No, no, not little green men or facehugger kind of Martian life, but microbial life.  And not just on Mars either!  The three likeliest candidates for elementary life in […] Continue reading

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Upcoming Solar Eclipse

As some of you may know, there is an upcoming Total Solar Eclipse that will be visible in Nashville, TN! The last total solar eclipse visible from the United States was back in 1998, so it’s been a while, but it’s finally back! On August 21st, the eclipse will be visible at 1:27 PM local […] Continue reading

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Black Holes

While the concept of black holes has become a cultural phenomenon thanks to movies such as Interstellar, it still seems like the general public knows very little about them. In order to help clarify any misunderstandings, welcome to a brief introduction on black holes. In essence, a black hole consists of a massive amount of mass […] Continue reading

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The Comet Time Forgot… Until Now

A stone carving at a major archaeological site suggests a comet struck Earth thousands of years ago and started an ice age. Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site located in modern-day Turkey.  Built before Stonehenge, it served as an ancient temple site and religious center where multiple people would gather, but it also seemed to have been an astronomy … Continue reading The Comet Time Forgot… Until Now Continue reading

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Blog 8: Possible Picture of a Black Hole

Scientist have tried to take a picture of a black hole by creating a massive telescope. This telescope used radio wave based telescopes connected all over the world to create an earth sized telescope which may have the power to actually take a picture of a black hole. While this picture will not truly be […] Continue reading

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