Tag Archives: blog8

Recent Landslides on Ceres display Ice Content

A series of landslides on Ceres’ surface has been photographed last week, displaying solid evidence for frozen water comprising a sizable portion of its composition. Images displayed three different types of landslide classifications. Type I landslides are relatively round and large, similar to rock glaciers and landslides found on Earth. These landslides are found at […] Continue reading

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Blog #8: Aliens?

One of the most common questions people have when they look at the sky is, “Are there any other life out there?” Many would think yes. Many, many stories, shows, and games have been made about alien species living out there. The math also adds up. While the Drake Equation isn’t exact, using any reasonable … Continue reading Blog #8: Aliens? Continue reading

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The Pioneer Plaque

While unlikely that Pioneer 10 will reach another civilization, NASA (mainly Carl Sagan and Frank Drake) provided Pioneer 10 with a plaque that would hopefully tell another intelligent civilization about our own civilization on Earth. Continue reading

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Take Me To Your Leader

    In 1950, Enrico Fermi famously asked: “Where is everybody?” With humanity’s rise in technological progress, we could colonize the galaxy within a couple million years. If we apply the Cosmological Principle (We are not special) to our galaxy, the cosmos should be crawling with life. With over half a trillion planets in our…Read more Take Me To Your Leader Continue reading

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What is SpaceX?

In the last year or two, you may have heard the term ‘SpaceX’ pop up in casual conversation. You may … More Continue reading

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Crown-Like Structures on Venus

A new study may explain these strange looking ring patterns on Venus’s surface. These geological markers are called coronae and occur when plumes of hot molten rock rise up and disturb the cooler material above it. The rigid surface is then cracked and molten rock can flow through cracks as magma. Scientists did tests in… Continue reading Crown-Like Structures on Venus Continue reading

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Europa Clipper

In the not too distant future, NASA will be sending a probe to one of Jupiter’s moons. I’m sure you can guess from the title of this blog post that the probe will be sent to Europa. Recently, NASA announced the name of this mission: Europa Clipper. It is named after clippers, swift ships that […] Continue reading

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Blog 8- Final Thoughts

On our last day of class, I asked about the probability of life on Earth being the most intelligent kind of life in the Universe.  I’ve always believed that the odds of our intellectual superiority must be incredibly low given the immense size of the Universe, but I’ve never really taken the time to learn more about… Continue reading

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The Revolutionary Model of the Solar System

We all know Galileo Galilei championed the heliocentric model of the universe that Copernicus first proposed, but his reasoning behind … More Continue reading

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12 Billion Miles Away and On Your TV

Ever wondered how a probe called Voyager managed to make it 12 billion miles away from this pale blue dot? … More Continue reading

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