Tag Archives: extremophiles

Monster from the Deep

Extremophiles are definitely some of the most persistent living beings. These microorganisms are able to survive in conditions regarding temperature, acidity, and/or chemical concentration beyond extreme that would prove fatal to almost all carbon-based life on Earth. While many extremophiles prove to look nightmarish, one type of extremophiles might give the others a run forContinue reading “Monster from the Deep” Continue reading

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Tardigrades, moss piglets, water bears – these adorably ugly extremophiles go by many names. These little creatures are fascinating beyond just their strange appearance and many nicknames. Tardigrades are extremophiles because they have shown to survive both extreme temperature and extreme pressure, most notably in space! They are found on Earth in various environments includingContinue reading “Tardigrades!” Continue reading

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Extremophiles are organisms that not only can survive, but thrive in extreme environments. These are organisms that love the freezing or boiling temperatures, very acidic or very basic conditions, or super high-pressure, salty, or dry environments. There are even extremophiles that hate oxygen and thrive when there is none present. Extremophiles live in places thatContinue reading “Extremophiles” Continue reading

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All About Tardigrades!

Tardigrades are a type of invertebrate and extremophile since they are able to thrive in extreme environments. Other names for tardigrades are water bears or moss piglets. They are typically 1 mm long or smaller. Tardigrades can live in numerous different environments such as damp moss, flowering plants, sand, fresh water, and the sea. InContinue reading “All About Tardigrades!” Continue reading

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Don’t Count Them Out

When we discussed the possibility of life on other planets, the main crux of the idea were the abilities of extremophiles to survive in unimaginable conditions. These guys take the idea of making the best of a bad situation to the next level, comfortably surviving in subzero temperatures or toxic radiation. Thinking about these improbableContinue reading “Don’t Count Them Out” Continue reading

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A New Discovery in the World of Extremophiles

Geologists have recently discovered an entire new species of extremophiles among us on planet earth, and the location may shock you. More than 500 km away from nutrients and sunlight, these extremophiles have made a home beneath the Antarctic ice shelf (SOURCE). While this discovery was not meant to actually happen, scientists are pleasantly surprisedContinue reading “A New Discovery in the World of Extremophiles” Continue reading

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Gotta be Life out there

Today we will be talking about extremophiles. After learning about all of the potential life that can survive in the harshest of environments, it made me think that there must be life out there. What may seem like a super hot, extremely pressurized environment to us on Venus, may seem like the ideal conditions forContinue reading “Gotta be Life out there” Continue reading

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What Life on Titan Would Look Like

Titan is a world that fits many criteria for a world that could host life. Because it has temperatures at about -290 degrees celsius on the surface, life would most likely be extremophile microbes below the methane surface. But an organism living entirely off of methane did not seem likely to me originally, until IContinue reading “What Life on Titan Would Look Like” Continue reading

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Conan the Bacterium, a potential Martian?

Conan the Bacterium, also known as Dionococcus Radiodurans Evolution, as far as we know, has always been pushing the limits of adaptability, allowing organisms to survive in the harshest of environments. Life that is extremely adaptable to almost all living environments are called extremophiles, hence their name. Scientists have recently hypothesized that some of Earth’sContinue reading “Conan the Bacterium, a potential Martian?” Continue reading

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Extremophile Viability in Space

In 2014, a group of scientists studied the viability of four different types of extremophiles in space-like conditions. These conditions that replicated an experience on Mars included extreme low temperatures, levels of UV radiation, humidity, and low pressure. The extremophiles in the experiment were Sulfolobus solfataricus from Solfatara volcano in southern Italy that can liveContinue reading “Extremophile Viability in Space” Continue reading

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