Tag Archives: Kepler

Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler Birth December 27, 1571 Death November 15, 1630 The Emperor Rudolph in Prague was in political trouble with his brother Matthias in 1611. Rudolph was forced to give up his position as King of Bohemia. Kepler’s advice was sought out by both brothers. He had been part of Rudolph’s court and Matthias’ rise […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

Johannes Kepler (December 27, 1571- November 15, 1630) discovered the three laws of planetary motion, which Isaac Newton used to create his own set of laws. Kepler also used his discoveries to adjust Copernicus’s vision of the universe, making it so that the Sun had a more active role in causing the planet’s orbits Other Things… Continue reading

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Johannes Kepler In Context

Johannes Kepler (b. December 27, 1571 – d. November 15, 1630) Important Historical Events (Courtesy of Frank E. Smitha) 1616 – The death of William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is one of the most important literary figures/playwrights of all time. 1620 – Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower arrive at what would become Plymouth, MA. This was one […] Continue reading

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kepler’s Discoveries in Context

Johannes Kepler was born on December 27th, 1571 and died on November 15th, 1630. Kepler was important to astronomy primarily because of his development of the  laws of planetary motion. In short, these laws state that all planets’ orbits are ellipses, show that a planet’s orbital speed is inversely proportional to its distance from the body it orbits, and give […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context

My chosen astronomer is Johannes Kepler, who lived from 12/27/1571 – 11/15/1630. Kepler helped us understand orbits. He developed three rules, the first of which tells us that things orbit in elliptical shapes. His second rule tells us that when something is in orbit, it sweeps equal areas in equal time. His third rule shows us a […] Continue reading

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Kepler Search for Exoplanets

The Kepler spacecraft entered its 4th observing campaign in February. There are nearly 16,000 target stars, which are being searched for exoplanets and other astrophysical phenomena. Included in the target are two open star clusters in the Taurus constellation. Onboard fuel is projected to last until December 2017. In its previous campaigns, the Kepler team […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers In Context

The astronomer I chose is  Johannes Kepler who lived from December 27, 1571 to November 15, 1630. Two historical events of the 16th century that I want to highlight are the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre and the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar. In 1572, Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre took place in Paris. On 23-24 August, Catholics assassinated an […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in context

Johannes Kepler Born December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630, Kepler was a German Astronomer, mathematician, and Astrologer. Most famous for his laws of planetary motion, he was an adamant defender of the heliocentric theory and his research showed that orbital paths of celestial objects are not perfect circles.  During his lifetime On 26 July 1581, The Act … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in context Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in context

Johannes Kepler Born December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630, Kepler was a German Astronomer, mathematician, and Astrologer. Most famous for his laws of planetary motion, he was an adamant defender of the heliocentric theory and his research showed that orbital paths of celestial objects are not perfect circles.  During his lifetime On 26 July 1581, The Act … Continue reading Historical Astronomers in context Continue reading

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The world orbiting around Kepler

Johannes Kepler was extremely important to astronomy because he first decribed the laws that govern orbital motion, still in use today. It is because of his laws that we are able to predict planetary orbits, fly satellites, and do a host of incredible feats. His work set the stage for later astronomers like Newton and […] Continue reading

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