Tag Archives: Andromeda

Consequences of a Constant Speed of Light

I find it fascinating that what we see in the night sky is an image from the past.  Since nothing moves faster than the speed of light it is impossible to know what is going on at this exact moment on places other than the Earth and the Moon.  Hypothetically, the Sun could suddenly explode […] Continue reading

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The Vast Size and Scale of the Universe

Recently I saw this link on Facebook and I decided to check it out. I had no idea what I was in for. We have been talking about our galaxy and our nearest neighbor, The Andromeda Galaxy, a lot in class and this picture just released by NASA gives us a better idea of what exactly […] Continue reading

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Light Travel Time and Observing Extraterrestrial Life

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Space_Telescope#mediaviewer/File:NASA-HS201427a-HubbleUltraDeepField2014-20140603.jpg A topic that has really intrigued me is the speed of light and the time it takes for light to travel. The above image was taken by the Hubble Space telescope of galaxies billions of light years away. Some of these galaxies even extend back in time to only a few hundred million years of […] Continue reading

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A TITANIC COLLISION…but not really

Collision: col·li·sion (kəˈliZHən) – noun: an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another. Now imagine the outcome of a collision between Andromeda and the Milky Way which, according to the dictionary definition, should be a violent impact between two massive galaxies with millions of stars hurtling towards each other 2000 times faster than a […] Continue reading

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The size of the Universe

To say the Universe is big is a bit of an understatement. The monster truck parked outside is considered big, the girl sitting next to you in class is called big by some people in bated breath, the Big Mac is supposed to be big (says so in the very name). When we’re talking about […] Continue reading

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