Tag Archives: astrobiology

Blog 7 – Astrobiology

Astrobiology is the scientific search of life in the universe. There are three major areas of astrobiology: studying the origin and evolution of life on Earth, finding worlds suitable for life, and finding evidence for life on other worlds. The first area teaches us about the necessary conditions for certain life to develop. Many researchers […] Continue reading

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Astrobiology is such a fascinating subject because some people may not even believe there is a need for this subject in the first place. This is because astrobiology is the study of life found throughout the universe. When the argument is presented that there is no life found outside of the Earth, my first thought […] Continue reading

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Astrobiology – Indicators of Life on Other Worlds

Astrobiology studies the past, present, and future of life in the universe. One facet of this interdisciplinary field is considering the possibility of life on other planets or worlds. Scientists utilize research in biology, chemistry, astronomy, and cosmology to help determine if life could exist elsewhere in the universe, and if so, how we can […] Continue reading

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Where is Everyone?

The Fermi Paradox was developed in 1950 by the Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi. The paradox itself refers to the notion that if there is an extremely high possibility of life outside of Earth, then why have humans not discovered evidence of other intelligent life forms. This could be for a multitude of different reasons such […] Continue reading

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Asteroids and nucleotides | blog VIII

Just five days ago, researchers identified the last two nucleotide bases in asteroid samples that had previously been unrecognized. Professor and researcher Yasuhiro Oba at Hokkaido University in Japan, alongside a team of scientists, successfully identified the missing cytosine and thymine nucleases. Unlike the other bases, Cyt. and Thy. have very delicate structures, making them […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation used to estimate the amount of civilizations humans can communicate with. The Drake Equation was made by Frank Drake an American astronomer and astrophysicist from Chicago Illinois. The equation takes into factor only planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Drake Equation helps try to answer a question we’veContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Astrobiology is the study of life and the universe and the search for life beyond it. Nasa lists astrobiology as having three questions “How does life begin and evolve? Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe?” andContinue reading “Astrobiology” Continue reading

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Life In The Extremes

If there’s anything I’ve learned in my studies of biology over my education, it’s that life is precarious, delicate, and precious. However, now that I’ve learned more about astrobiology through this course, I’ve also come to know that life is hardy and determined. As Ian Malcom so astutely notes in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a … Continue reading Life In The Extremes Continue reading

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How Life Could Start and Exist on Europa

Although our understanding of the evolutionary process is deep, the exact time and process through which the first life forms on Earth arose is still not entirely clear. The panspermia hypothesis speculates that life exists throughout the universe and is distributed through asteroids, comets, and space dust, and that life on Earth was brought fromContinue reading “How Life Could Start and Exist on Europa” Continue reading

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Astrobiology, The Future.

Space Travel I am still trying to decide whether my admiration for Elon Musk is because of his electric vehicles (S-3-X-Y) or his passion for space exploration. The topic of space exploration leads me to a scientific field I would like to talk about briefly, Astrobiology. Wikipedia defines Astrobiology as “an interdisciplinary scientific field concerned … Continue reading Astrobiology, The Future. Continue reading

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