Tag Archives: astrobiology

Blog #3

The Earth is around 4.5 billion years old. The first half of the Earth’s existence (prior to the Great Oxidation Event which essentially introduced free oxygen (dioxygen) into the Earth’s atmosphere) was characterized by the presence of certain types of bacteria, although evidence of this existence on our planet is limited. However, last year, researchers … Continue reading Blog #3 Continue reading

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Made Out of Meat?

Space voyagers searching for intelligent life finds a race that has been trying to make contact for one hundred of its years – however, this species is so unlike anything these voyagers have ever contacted that they refuse to believe it’s even intelligent. When one of the voyagers convinces the other that the species is, […] Continue reading

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Are We Alone in the Universe?

And why does that question seem to be so hard to answer? Our universe is vast. There’s no doubt about that. And statistically, we should be able to find life in some way, shape, or form somewhere in the seemingly endless cosmos. For every grain of sand on Earth, there are ten thousand stars in … Continue reading Are We Alone in the Universe? Continue reading

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APF Telescopes used to Discover Nearby Planetary System

This week, a collective team of astronomers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa, UC Berkeley & the University of …

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Sending Chuck Berry to Space

In 1977, NASA launched the spacecraft Voyager 1 into space to observe Jupiter and Saturn and, eventually, to travel outside …

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Necessities of life

In looking at what planets can sustain life, one requirement always includes liquid water. From this we can narrow down our searches to a solar system’s habitable zone, which is the region surrounding a star capable of supporting liquid water. But are we limiting ourselves too much in our searches? What if life was capable […] Continue reading

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Silicon based life

The silicon atom has been discussed as the basis for an alternative biochemistry system, since silicon is in the same group of periodical table as carbon and shares many chemical properties with carbon. As silicone-based chemicals are much more stable than equivalent hydrocarbons in a sulfuric-acid-rich environment that is found in many locations in the… Continue reading

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Astrobiology and Cinema: The Europa Report

  Just last year, a film was released that questioned the viability of life on Jupiter’s moon Europa. Barring too many spoilers, the crew and their ship face several non-biological roadblocks on their quest for life in a film whose … Continue reading Continue reading

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My Changing Perspective of the Universe

Image Source Prior to my enrollment in this class, I rarely thought about the Universe around me. Furthermore, I never truly comprehended the vastness of the Universe. In fact, although I do have a better understanding about the immense size of the cosmos, I feel as though I still cannot fathom the true size of […] Continue reading

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Extremophiles Aiding the Search For Extraterrestrial Life

Image Source About six months ago, scientists retrieved samples of water that are nearly two billion years old from the depths of a mine in Timmins, Ontario. They are now attempting to determine whether or not any life exists within the liquid. If in fact lifeforms are present within the water, this would be yet […] Continue reading

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