Tag Archives: astronomy

No Need to Feel Small

The Powers of Ten video, originally made in 1977 by Charles and Ray Eames, is a stunning look into not only the unimaginable vastness of the universe, but also the depth of biological life itself. The video takes away the anxiety of being a very small human in a very large universe by presenting the …

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The Vast Size and Scale of the Universe

Image Source The universe is so massive that it is difficult to grasp a sense of scale. In the image above, you can see what astrophysicists call the “observable universe.” This is unique to the entire universe because it excludes the parts of space that are so far away that their light has not had […] Continue reading

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Hey everyone! Extremophiles are organisms that can survive in extreme environments (hence the name). They can survive in places with extreme pressures and temperatures, and can thrive where most other life forms on Earth would perish. Most extremophiles are microbes. The American Museum of Natural History, located in New York City, has opened up a… Continue reading

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Astronomy, we need it!

Throughout two semesters of astronomy I have always been torn about its importance. On one hand the problems we face on Earth seem to trump anything that can happen is space, but on the other hand the more knowledge we obtain the more we are able to understand. What I started to realize towards the […] Continue reading

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My Cosmic Perspective

Coming into this course, I was already very interested in astronomy. I have always loved looking at the stars, and I had my first formal experiences with astronomy in Astronomy 102: Stars and Galaxies and Astronomy Lab last semester. Thus, I was extremely excited to continue my study of astronomy. I have remained intrigued about […] Continue reading

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Astronomy’s Importance on Earth

Hello everyone! Before taking this course, I only knew very basic knowledge of topics relating to astronomy. I didn’t think it was very important to know why we needed to know about the celestial beings outside of the Earth in which we live. However, now after learning about the myriad objects outside of Earth, I realize… Continue reading

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White dwarf supernovae

White dwarf supernovae only occur in a binary system, in which one of them is a white dwarf while the other can be a giant star or just a main sequence star. As far as we know, a white dwarf is the remnant of a star after the nuclear fusion inside its core has ceased,… Continue reading

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Halley’s Comet

Halley’s comet is a short-period comet, which can be seen from Earth every 75-76 years so that a person could see it at most twice during his or her lifetime. It is undoubtedly the most famous comet. The last time it returned was in 1986, and it will be back in 2061 as predicted. Halley’s… Continue reading

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Climate Change

Today, one of the most pressing issues in society is climate change. The Earth, due to pollution and the ensuing increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is experiencing global warming. Average temperatures around the globe have increased a few degrees Celsius in the past few decades. While that may not seem like a lot,… Continue reading

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Dark matter

Dark matter is a hypothetical matter that neither emits nor absorbs light or any other electromagnetic radiations so that it cannot be seen with any telescopes nowadays. However, dark matter accounts for most of the matter in the universe, and it should be responsible for many phenomena occurring in the universe. According to the standard… Continue reading

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