Tag Archives: astronomy

SkyView App

With the prevalence of advanced technology in today’s society, it is no surprise that there have been many mobile applications, or ‘apps’ dedicated towards astronomy that are available to purchase and peruse for astronomy lovers. One app that caught my interest was the SkyView App. The SkyView App is free on iTunes and on the… Continue reading

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Archeology plus astronomy equals archeoastronomy

Archeoastronomy is the combination of archeology, the study of human activity in the past, and astronomy, the study of celestial objects. Archeoastronomy is the study of how people of the past have interpreted the skies above. This type of study also looked at how ancient people adopted the phenomenon of the sky into their cultures. […] Continue reading

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Historical Astronomers in Context: Isaac Newton

(Image from Wikipedia) Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 – March 20, 1727) was a born a poor Englishman who attended Trinity College in Cambridge in order to try and improve his socioeconomic standing. He gained an interest in the world around him after witnessing an apple drop from a tree to the ground. At that […] Continue reading

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The Vast Size and Scale of the Universe

Hello! The world may seem so large, but when you look at the size of the Earth compared to the Universe, it is actually very small. The Earth represents only a tiny fraction of our Solar System and galaxy. When you consider that the Milky Way Galaxy is an astronomically small portion of the entire… Continue reading

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The Universe is too large for the scale

Reasoning out the Vast Size of the Universe The Universe is an interesting place that is constantly changing. In addition to it changing, people’s perceptions of the Universe have constantly been changing over time. For instance, the ancient belief of many famous philosophers was that the Universe was geocentric, meaning the Earth was located at […] Continue reading

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What’s in store for the future?

The field of astronomy is fascinating; there is much that we have yet to learn. This semester in Astro 201 …

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Vikings and Astronomy

This link details how the ancient Vikings were themselves keen astronomers. As the article details, the Vikings utilized the ever-popular Polaris as a guiding light during sea travel. They would measure the angle relative to Polaris to determine cardinal directions for … Continue reading Continue reading

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Warp Drive

Before we can achieve interstellar travel like it appears in science fiction, scientists must make huge leaps and develop a way to exceed the speed of light, as well as a way to work around the issue of spacetime and … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Tunguska Asteroid

On June 30, 1908 an asteroid about 120 feet across entered Earth’s atmosphere and exploded above the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Siberia. At an elevation of about 28,000 feet, the combination of pressure and heat made the space rock explode … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Aurora, both Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, is an incredibly beautiful phenomenon that is the result of important characteristics of our planet and its atmosphere. It is actually a result of electrically charged particles from the sun entering our … Continue reading Continue reading

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