Tag Archives: astronomy

Newton – Creativity in Science Exemplified

Science is more than mere observations and compilations of facts.  In fact, many have argued that it is quite creative field, and Isaac Newton’s history can testify to that.  Newton’s realization that the same forces that pulled apples to the ground were in fact the same forces that held the Moon in Earth’s orbit and … Continue reading Newton – Creativity in Science Exemplified Continue reading

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Neil deGrasse Tyson: In Defense of the Big Bang Theory

Video Source: Youtube  One of the most confusing yet also the most interesting events on the “Cosmic Calendar” is that of the origin of our Universe. One of the most popular theories for the origin of our Universe is that … Continue reading Continue reading

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Big big numbers make no sense don’t they?

We all know the universe is 13.8 billion years old. But… How long ago was 13.8 billion years ago? How about 65.5 million years ago, when the dinosaurs die out? How long ago was that? Ourselves, being such small creatures with so short a lifespan, how could we comprehend the largeness of such numbers? Well, […] Continue reading

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A Different Spin on Scale

The universe is massive. We know it, we think we can understand it, but every time we see one of those pictures with a tiny Earth next to a huge star, it still blows our mind. So yes, based on the principle of size, I agree that we are tiny and insignificant compared to the… Continue reading

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The enigma that is the Universe

http://www.dailygalaxy.com/.a/6a00d8341bf7f753ef019b0045fa58970d-pi It is worth thinking about that we just discovered a galaxy that is 30 billion light years away. 30 billion light years! For those of you not familiar with how light years work, 1 light year is the distance covered by light in one year. So a galaxy 30 billion light years away is so […] Continue reading

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In Conclusion…

  As the semester comes to a close and my first semester taking an astronomy class ends on Monday, I can say that I was not expecting to learn half of the topics we read about. I’m just completed confounded by all the information that we learned about our Universe and our solar system. From […] Continue reading

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The Perks of Infinity

The good thing about the universe is that there a lot of things. It has got something for everybody. Take a look at these artworks: What I ultimately learned from this course was that, somewhere out there, these places have to exist. They better do. Image and Image and Image and Image and Image and […] Continue reading

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Earth-like planet discovered

Very recently, on April 23 of this year, astronomer Eric Agol has discovered a very Earth-like planet 1,200 light years away. Through a very complex algorithm Agol had created, he had found this planet orbiting a star in a habitable … Continue reading Continue reading

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And It All Leads Up To The Now

This semester we have studied everything from the creation of the universe to black holes to microscopic bacteria living on the bottom of the ocean floor. The range of topics covered in this class has helped round my view of the beginnings of time up until now and clarified many common misconceptions ranging from tides […] Continue reading

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Social Astronomy!

I am always interested in new ways that information, ideas and stories can be shared or exchanged online. I love all forms of social media including blogs, tumblr, twitter, google plus, you name it. It always helps me learn a new concept if I have a variety of ways to interact with the subject, like […] Continue reading

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