Tag Archives: blog3

NASA Cuts and Privatizing Space – Trump’s Plan

The Trump administration’s NASA budget request for 2019 was revealed today, and many of the requests come at the dismay of many prominent people in the space and astronomy field. Most of the requests call for NASA to pursue commercial partnerships. For example, the administration requests NASA stop directly funding the International Space Station (ISS) … Continue reading NASA Cuts and Privatizing Space – Trump’s Plan Continue reading

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Red, White, and Blue: The Star Life Cycle

We’ve talked a bit about black body radiation and how some stars appear more reddish or bluish, or maybe even just white. But how  and why do stars appear as more reddish or bluish, and why are some stars larger than others? What makes Red Giants and White Dwarfs special? Well, it all has to … Continue reading Red, White, and Blue: The Star Life Cycle Continue reading

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Crop Circles: A Brief History

Crop circles have long captivated the attention of conspiracists. Their theories suggest that they appear within hours and during daytime without forewarning or even observation of their creators. Modern-day conspiracists have often pointed to them as evidence of the supernatural or more recently, extraterrestrial communication. The idea is that aliens have used beams from their spaceships … Continue reading Crop Circles: A Brief History Continue reading

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A-Not-So-Healthy Universal Relationship

In the midst of the Valentine’s Day season, it would seem of nothing more fitting than to mention the binary star systems that our very universe holds.… Read more “A-Not-So-Healthy Universal Relationship” Continue reading

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A New Age of Rocketry (Thanks Vandy!)

Last week, entrepreneurial genius/potential supervillain Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched its Falcon Heavy. Immediately upon its successful launch, the Falcon Heavy became the world’s most powerful active rocket, capable of carrying heavy payloads such as government satellites to geosynchronous orbit and lighter payloads as far as Mars. (Cross-promotional superstar “Starman” is likely to make it almost … Continue reading A New Age of Rocketry (Thanks Vandy!) Continue reading

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SpaceX has officially created a non-zero chance of a car accident in space.

February 6, 2018. The Falcon Heavy launched into space with Elon Musk’s own personal Tesla Roadster. SpaceX has had many successful launches, had several successful landings, and on top of all of that… they can claim themselves to be the first ever company to send a car to space.   Yes, that’s a real image. […] Continue reading

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SpaceX has officially created a non-zero chance of a car accident in space.

February 6, 2018. The Falcon Heavy launched into space with Elon Musk’s own personal Tesla Roadster. SpaceX has had many successful launches, had several successful landings, and on top of all of that… they can claim themselves to be the first ever company to send a car to space.   Yes, that’s a real image. […] Continue reading

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Moon and Tides – The Magic of Gravity

Our sea has a periodic rising and falling phenomena. At a time, the sea will go up and reach to the peak, and at another time, the sea will go down and leaves us an island or a beach. This phenomena is called tides. The tides are mainly caused by gravitational force from Moon. When … Continue reading Moon and Tides – The Magic of Gravity Continue reading

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Privatization in Aerospace

In the past week, the Trump administration published a document, obtained by the Washington Post, that described its plans to cease funding for the International Space Station and leave the station up for grabs for the private sector. This is being done to free up the NASA budget for other Aerospace Endeavors. NASA currently spends … Continue reading Privatization in Aerospace Continue reading

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Absolute Hot

We all have heard about absolute zero – the coldest temperature possible. At this point, atoms cease to move completely. All heat is really is just the movement of atoms and the energy with which they’re moving. Hotter things tend to have more energy, and their atoms move more. Thermodynamically, it is impossible to reach … Continue reading Absolute Hot Continue reading

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