Tag Archives: blog3

Blog #3: Asteroid Mining

We commonly think of asteroids simply as left over debris from when the planets were formed, but researchers believe that we will be able to harness resources from them within the next 10 years. The most common type of asteroid, C-type, contains up to 20% water as well as various metals. The presence of water […] Continue reading

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Eclipses have been used to increased drama in books and movies for over a century. One specific example that comes to mind is the novel Delores Claiborne by Stephen King. A main focus of the story is around a solar eclipse during which the main character’s father dies in a suspicious way, depicted on the cover art […] Continue reading

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A collision is coming. Andromeda, our spiraled galaxy neighbor, and the Milky Way will collide in  4 billion years. This process will result in the two galaxies interacting for 1-2 billion years as they rearrange the orbits of stars and planets before finally merging into an elliptical galaxy. The movements of the galaxies toward each other… Continue reading Milkomeda Continue reading

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The Hubble’s Cooler Younger Sibling

Somewhat of an actual time machine, the telescope is probably the most well-known instrument of the field of astronomy. While the object itself is not a foreign concept, knowledge about specific telescopes is less common. In fact, aside from the Hubble, I probably could not have named one before this semester. Much to my surprise, […] Continue reading

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Transiting Extrasolar Planets

A method for detecting planets beyond our solar system. Continue reading

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Blog 3: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

This image was captured by Juno as clouds swirl around southern Jupiter. Juno is a spacecraft which was launched aboard an Atlas V-551 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on August 5, 2011 and arrive to its starting location near Jupiter in the past July. as of the past 11 days it has finished its elliptical […] Continue reading

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New Horizons

Way out on the edge of our Solar System, in the Kuiper Belt, lies an object that has held our fascination since 1930. Pluto! … More Continue reading

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The Explosion That Starts Life

Ever wonder how kingdoms of animals ever started? What causes them? When? And ultimately, HOW? It’s CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION! Cambrian Explosion is a relatively rapid appearance of animal kingdoms or known as phyla – a taxonomic term which means the primary kingdom of animals – which happened around 530 million years ago and lasted about 54 … Continue reading The Explosion That Starts Life Continue reading

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The Unseen

The visible universe-including galaxies,stars and planets only make up 4 percents of the universe (REALLYYYY). What about another 96 percents of it? In reality, another 96 percents consists of the thing that is unseen. Besides, we can’t really identify or perhaps understand what that 96 percents is made up of. From the perspective of the scientists, … Continue reading The Unseen Continue reading

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Phobos is Doomed and Should be Afraid

The red planet is orbited by two moons, Phobos and Deimos (Greek for Fear and Panic respectively), and given the predicted fate of Phobos, the small moon has good reason to be afraid. Both moons may have originally been asteroids that were captured by Mars’ orbit, however in time, Phobos may become a ring around… Continue reading Phobos is Doomed and Should be Afraid Continue reading

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