Tag Archives: blog4

Breaking “c” and the Warping of Space-time

The speed of light, often denoted by the constant “c,” is faster than anything that we know. Although there have been attempts to get certain particles to travel faster than the speed of light, like when scientists at the CERN laboratory in Switzerland tried to get a hold of neutrinos, no one has successfully brokenContinue reading “Breaking “c” and the Warping of Space-time” Continue reading

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The Geology of Mars

There are four different processes that shape planetary surfaces; volcanism, tectonics, erosion, and impact catering. Impact catering is the creation of a bowl-shaped impact crater by asteroids or comets striking a planet’s surface. Volcanism is the eruption of molten rock, or lava from an interior onto its surface. Tectonics is the disruption of a planet’sContinue reading “The Geology of Mars” Continue reading

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What Causes the Northern Lights?

The aurora borealis, or aurora australis if in Southern Hemisphere, is one of nature’s most dazzling phenomena consisting of massive bands of colorful light streaking across the sky. This spectacular light show, despite its captivating beauty, actually portrays the deadly solar radiation spewing out from the sun and largely dissipating when coming into contact withContinue reading “What Causes the Northern Lights?” Continue reading

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Blog #4: Statistics Behind Our Solar System

A concept that has always intrigued me is the possibility of life on Earth. It seems like every topic we cover reveals another statistical improbability that has allowed life to exist on Earth at all. For example, we are just far enough from the sun that we have an atmosphere, but not so far fromContinue reading “Blog #4: Statistics Behind Our Solar System” Continue reading

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How do we name our Solar System?

We all remember learning the mnemonic device in elementary school: My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Noodles (or whatever variation you prefer). Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the eight planets of our solar system. But what do these names actually mean? How do planets and moons and other stuff inContinue reading “How do we name our Solar System?” Continue reading

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The Future of Space Travel

Space exploration is something that intrigues us all because, as Star Trek coined many years ago; “Space: the final frontier… To boldly go where no man has gone before”. We’ve traveled to space many time before, with the Apollo 11 moon landing being one of the most famous expeditions. This trip was so famous because … Continue reading The Future of Space Travel Continue reading

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Gravitational Lensing

In Blog 2 I said I’d leave this subject for my next blog, so here it is on its own: what is gravitational lensing? As simply as I can explain it: Gravitational Lensing occurs when the mass of a large stellar group distorts light traveling from behind it towards the viewer. Because light is affected … Continue reading Gravitational Lensing Continue reading

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The Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, is a natural phenomena that is observable at the North and South poles. Named by Galileo and meaning “Dawn of the North”, Aurora Borealis is  a visualization of the reaction between electrons from the Sun and our atmosphere. Due to our magnetosphere, most of the electrons are rejected, but … Continue reading The Northern Lights Continue reading

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The Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, is a natural phenomena that is observable at the North and South poles. Named by Galileo and meaning “Dawn of the North”, Aurora Borealis is  a visualization of the reaction between electrons from the Sun and our atmosphere. Due to our magnetosphere, most of the electrons are rejected, but … Continue reading The Northern Lights Continue reading

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Expanding a Trillion Dollar Industry

Many are familiar with mining on Earth to obtain resources that we use for all sorts of things on the planet. What many don’t know is that this process can be, and most likely will be, expanded beyond the planet. Asteroids contain many of the resources found on Earth since they are basically leftover material … Continue reading Expanding a Trillion Dollar Industry Continue reading

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