Tag Archives: blog4

A Climate in Crisis

For this post, I’d like to increase my understanding of global warming because the book introduced to me the major process behind it. First off, I’d like to acknowledge that the climate crisis truly is one of the most difficult things we have globe have faced. We began on this Earth as a species tossed […] Continue reading

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Blog #4: Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is the process that drives star light formation and prevents the force of gravity of the star from collapsing into itself. In a nuclear fusion reaction, two smaller nuclei, typically hydrogen isotopes, bond together to form a helium atom while immense amounts of energy are released. The fusion between smaller atoms continues to […] Continue reading

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Don’t Flip Out! Earth’s The Real Chick Magnet

To begin with, some background is necessary. The Earth has a magnetic field surrounding it, which enables our planet to deflect cosmic rays and incoming particles. This in turn protects our atmosphere and allows us to maintain it at a stable temperature and pressure. In essence, it is essential for the maintenance of most life […] Continue reading

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Meteors are common celestial bodies. There are a lot of […] Continue reading

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Hohmann Transfer Orbit

In Andy Weir’s The Martian, NASA plans to send a supply probe to Mars to save the stranded astronaut Mark Watney through what’s called the ‘Hohmann Transfer Orbit‘. What exactly is the Hohmann transfer orbit? And when the carrying capacity of rockets is limited, why does a probe following this orbit saves limited and precious […] Continue reading

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Chelyabinsk event

On the morning of February 15, 2013, an undetected meteor the size of a six-story building exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. At 20 meters long, it reached speeds of 60,000 km/h before detonating with the force of a 500-kiloton nuclear bomb. Witnesses saw a flash brighter than the Sun before hearing a delayed […] Continue reading

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The Moon Illusion

We saw a really cool picture of the Moon during class that was taken when it was near the horizon with an ancient Greek temple in front of it. The Moon looked unusually large, and I wanted to know more. The reason for the Moon appearing much larger when it is rising and setting is […] Continue reading

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The Intersection of Religion and Science: God’s Plan

Image Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/ED9iiXG9qQeWhL3K7 Throughout history and into today the theories of religion and science have clashed, however, there is an idea about humanity that is bipartisan. While religion and science typically have different explanations of what may be working to create it, both dispute the existence of a free will. According to the theories of […] Continue reading

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Blog:4 Aurora

The aurora is a natural phenomenon that has fascinated both scientists and the general public for a long time. When charged particles from the Sun collide with the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, it leads to the emission of colorful light in the sky. However, the aurora is not just an aesthetically pleasing sight but […] Continue reading

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nuclear fusion

Have you ever wondered why the sun shines? It’s a question that has inspired centuries of astronomers to come up with a wide variety of explanations. It was once thought that the sun shone because of chemical combustion, but we now know that there is nowhere near enough oxygen for that process to have sustained […] Continue reading

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