Tag Archives: blog6

Some Planets Are Just So Extra… (Extrasolar, That Is)

An extrasolar planet, or an exoplanet, is one which orbits a star other than our Sun. These planets provide interest and opportunities for research, because under the correct conditions, such as those upon Earth, there is a possibility that life could exist and/or be discovered upon these planets. By observing exoplanets, and specifically searching various… Continue reading Some Planets Are Just So Extra… (Extrasolar, That Is) Continue reading

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Blog #6

Image of Ceres The asteroid belt lies between Mars and Jupiter. This area is where the dwarf planet Ceres is located. Given that it was the first dwarf planet to be visited by a spacecraft and the largest object in the asteroid belt, there have been quite a few interesting discoveries about this celestial object. Here … Continue reading Blog #6 Continue reading

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SpaceX Makes History

On March 30th, 2017, SpaceX made history by successfully launching and landing a used rocket. The company created by Elon Musk used the Falcon 9 to to send a satellite into space and then landed in on a ship in the Atlantic Ocean. This rocket was initially launched in April of 2016, and the launch […] Continue reading

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X-Ray Burst Baffles Scientists

In 2014, NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory spotted a large, sudden flash, producing the deepest x-ray image ever. Today, this flash still baffles scientists who are attempting to understand its origin. It was given the name CDF-S XT1 and was spotted in an area of the sky known as the Chandra Deep Field South. When the […] Continue reading

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Give Neptune a Second Chance– and hopefully some more

Throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, NASA has made many successful spacecraft expeditions to the Jovian planets.  Jupiter has been visited by Pioneer 10 (1972), Pioneer 11 (1973), Voyager 1 (1977), Galileo (1195-2003), and New Horizons (2007).  Saturn as well has also been visited by Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, and Cassini, which has orbited the planet … Continue reading Give Neptune a Second Chance– and hopefully some more Continue reading

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The Politics of Space

While we think the works of scientific groups who strive to understand our universe can operate regardless of our political … More Continue reading

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Tardigrades: Unusual Astronauts

Tardigrades, or water bears, are microscopic organisms that have been studied for years for their extreme resilience to potentially harmful conditions. They require a thin layer of water to do anything- eating, moving, reproducing, etc. They are found all over the Earth, however, including in some of the driest environments on the planet. They are […] Continue reading

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Life Outside Earth: Are we alone?

  Ah, aliens. The beings of science fiction movies. The topic of many a conspiracy theory. Many have doubted their existence, but in all likelihood, they are real. It is highly improbable that humans here on Earth are the first form of technology producing life in the Milky Way Galaxy. With today’s technology, thousands of… Continue reading Life Outside Earth: Are we alone? Continue reading

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Solar Neutrinos

How do we know what is happening inside our beloved Sun? We can study the Sun’s interior through three different ways and one of them is through observations of solar neutrinos produced by the nuclear fusion that power the Sun. The nuclear fusion of proton and proton in the Sun produce deuterium, positron, neutrino that is responsible for almost 100% of … Continue reading Solar Neutrinos Continue reading

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SpaceX Continues to do Cool Stuff

Spaceflight continues to get cheaper every day. Continue reading

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